Sunday, March 22, 2015

100 Words to Mindfulness - 3/7/15 - 'Authenticity & Peace' (3-7-15)

Quotes and comments while perusing Melodie Beattie's "The Language of Letting Go" (Hazelden, 1990):
Quoting Anonymous :
“When I meet people ... start a new relationship ... I turn into a repressed perfectionistic robot ... can't have my feelings ... wants ... needs ... history.”
“I will relax ... be who I am in relationships."
"Who we are is all we can be. It is enough."
"I accept myself. I value who I am.”
“Peace is available if we choose it. I will let go of my need to stay in turmoil ... will cultivate peace."
Going "robotic" -- automatic (ego-led) but NOT natural.
NEED for turmoil?
To choose ... cultivate peace?
Am I willing, daring, believing enough?
I want to want to be.
We believe in US...

....And then how will I make a livink?
Hey guys!!! Tx!

Trying to be more "mindful" lately, more journaling, more meditation, more spiritual reading, more physical exercising with perk of endorphins!

I was watching pbs fund-raising special tonight with Dr. Lissa Rankin on "The Fear Cure."

She kept talking about the "small self" and how it destructively "micromanages" our lives by toxically over-reacting to "false" fears. She said false fears jam our radar and we need to be able to discern REAL fear from false fear.

She said there is even something called "normal bias" whereby the logical mind refuses to respond to REAL fear and ignores intuitive, cognitive dissonant, inner messaging of real fear.

So we can over-react to false fear and under-react to real fear. Sigh.

She quoted someone else as saying "Fear is just unrealized serenity." Now there is a positive spin! In other words fear requires facing it down and exploring it. Accepting it. Surrendering to the reality of it. Then moving through and beyond it.

She recommended doing so-called "fear calisthenics" to desensitize ourselves to the power of fear over us. Taking risks, failing, facing rejection. Putting the proverbial a** on the line so to speak.

"A Course in Miracles" I remember from reading long ago said there are only two basic feelings in the universe: love and fear. All other feelings come from them.

Here's also a quote from Anais Nin:

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

An optimistic take! Growth is natural progression, sometimes in spite of ourselves. But mindfulness will help it along I'm thinking and feeling!

best, libby

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