Sunday, March 22, 2015

Living with PTSD ... (2-11-15)

Living with PTSD is like having your foot perpetually caught on a train track. Hope and try as you might, you just can't seem to extricate it.  
On a "good" day the oncoming train is relatively far away.  On a "bad" one, it is close and fast.

I'm guessing it's a "bad" day? I hope you get back to the better side soon.
What, JP said. ::hugs::
That's a very effective description of what you and others are dealing with, Libby. I'm pulling for tomorrow being a day when the train's headlight is barely visible.

All of PTSD comes from the past to infect the present with fear of the future. Visualizing and meditating on the specific emotional recall and what actually happened has proven to be an effective therapy for some people. Others have benefited from the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and Psilocybin. Anti anxiety prescription drugs and group therapy provide relief for others, but until you get to the root cause, PTSD continues to be a problem for most people and everyone has to find their own way to walk out of the valley of the shadow. Be better, be well. R&R

JMAC, it's just a guess on my part, but somehow I doubt that acid microdots or shrooms are part of the AMA approved Medical Practice Guidelines for the treatment of PTSD.
Stupid train!! HISS!! ~hug~
Libby, sending best wishes and positive vibes your way!
That sounds like a good description. I'm sorry if you're suffering from it, Libby.
I've little trust in the AMA approved medical practice guidelines. Just look at the news concerning the new found connection between anticholinergics and dementia. Everything from Bendadryl to Paxil to Duoneb.

Yeah, the AMA is going to get it right for sure.
Acid & 'shrooms... as unlikely as it may seem, there it is:
No! No! Tinkie. Trains innocent!

The track that holds paw.......? Now that's a different matter.......

PTSD means you were changed by trauma. I wish you peace. hugs
What a vivid image. The sense of impending doom, day after day. That'll stick in the mind.
I hope that living with PTSD means being your own therapist, knowing your triggers, reminding yourself of the difference between past and present and comforting yourself in a reasonable and caring way.
Thanks for the kind and enlightening words, my friends. It was and is so precious for me to have a place to come to express a deeply personal insight and to help me process a way out of a dark emotional place from people gentle and open enough to relate and empathize, whether inside or outside the belly of the PTSD beast themselves!

libby xxxx
I hope by tomorrow that train is way off in the distance.
You can stop at OS Depot any time. To brighter days.
I'm glad you're feeling better. :)
You can count on getting a lick on the nose from this krazy orange kat any time!

Watch out for that other orange Kat though - he likes to lick on your ears. And you know how horny you get when your ears are gently licked!

I am sorry to hear this, Libby ! Hopefully you are feeling better today and that any of these trains stays out of sight.
Hugs, and peace to your soul.
re shadow side, if you really wanna melt your brain try looking into 911 truth sometime. uh, 2nd thought, warning, it could be too much. but your blogs show you seem to be able to carry a heavy load, heavier than just about anyone. courage!
grant me the serenity to accept things that cant be chged, courage to chg the things that can, and wisdom to know the difference :)

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