Friday, March 20, 2015

Non-Political Haiku/Senryu Break from Libby (2-16-12)

Bird-chirp defies rain-
soaked morning as slumber slow
I brave worry mind.
Bright diamond sky.
Skin listens to delicious breeze.
My void fresh petals full.
Chins drip paradise
from plump orange popsicles.
Sweet, sticky summer.
Purple cloud swallows
this park, as the mist insists
it be listened to.
Ear-bleed symphony.
Subway heaves through sweat-worry
concrete universe.
Friends extend heart-hearths.
Their hot chocolate laughter
keeps frantic at bay.
God's death scheme destroys
a family's heart dream. Horror
bankrupts lives for now.
Kittens stalk pigeons.
Windows barred, their spastic tails
answer primal calls.
We trust our parents,
absorb their fears that thwart their
very dreams for us.
Needing illusion,
we trust one cares there on high
job totem. Dream on.
Glass branches glisten.
Winter's white velvet sleep. My
breath cuts circle ghosts.
Torrents of disdain
blow his sister lost to a
squirm-dance universe.
Psuedo company.
TV. Furniture for ruts.
Must click off and live.
Winter morn rush-hour.
I shelter at coffee bar
to cappuccino's hiss.
Night sky sifts snow fine.
Grand, sly confection. Morning's
covered in frosting.
Silver drops slap at --
slither -- down panes. Sheltered, we're
mindfully cozy.
Trodding soft warm sand
as dusk goose bumps memory
I breathe the horizon.
Daffodills glow yellow
on my table. Outside spring
unlocks grim New York.

I really dig this, Libby. You're quite the poet. My favorite line is about the kittens with spastic tails, and the final stanza is perfect.
Erica! Thanks so much for reading and rating. The kittens one is a special fave of mine. :)
Do you have cats? I have 4.
Erica, Four! that is quite a crew. I have one, now. His sister died at the beginning of the year of presumably old age which broke my heart. I am cherishing him and the balance of his life. They give so much, these lil critters.
pigeons taunt kittens.
from up on high on feathers fly
far from kitty claws.
The imagery is fascinating; what an imagination, and beautifully written, Libby. R
II, thanks! well done! :)

Thoth, thanks once again for the validation!
Crystal clear and beautiful. You are a poet. Pseudo company. click off and live. Good advice. Thanks for writing and posting.
Great stuff, Libby. Nice to see this side of you.

As you know, Nancy and I lost our little Sparkyjayne in October. We are hoping to adopt two male kittens (litter mates) soon, perhaps tomorrow. The application from the Animal Rescue place was very long and detailed. They intend all the animals they place to get good homes.

Lastly, I have never been able to create a haiku. I envy that you are able to do what you do.
rr&r! thanks again for the validation, my friend! time for a haiku from a very droll dog voice I'd say! :)

Frank, i am so happy for you to be adopting two new kitties! What a wonderful adventure for you and Nancy. Sparkyjayne (love the name and spelling) clearly was cherished by you and your wife. a lucky kitty during her lifetime. i wrote an ode to my very first cat who passed on years ago that i'll post here some time. i'm sure you and Erica and RedsRantsandRaves will relate.

BTW, Frank and ANYONE READING THIS COMMENT ON OS, you DEFINITELY SHOULD CHECK OUT REDSRANDSANDRAVES BLOG in case you haven't, it is so droll and wonderful from the perspective of a dog!!! ALL animal people would love it!

correction above:

"redsrantsandraves" -- sorry, I put a d in for a t
Thanks for your comment on my post about writer's block.
I really enjoyed your poetry. My favorite is

Glass branches glisten.
Winter's white velvet sleep. My
breath cuts circle ghosts.

I particularly like "my breath cuts sicle ghosts," which reminds me of years spent where the your image of snow made sense. Now I live where snow occurs but usually not heavily enough to produce a velvet sleep.
Mary Anne, thanks so much for the visit. Yes, that is one of my fave haiku, too, and I used it as the inside of a Christmas card one year! With climate change many of us are not experiencing those intense winter days any more that inspired such awe!

You have inspired me to get back to more creativity. The political blogging always calls, but I have gotten really lazy about poetry and fiction which I love. I have a thriller screenplay that sits in the drawer less than a third done! I thank you, Mary Anne! libby
I read these a few times the day you posted them and found great comfort in the beauty of simple clarity. This one really spoke to me, it feels very much like you...

"Friends extend heart-hearths.
Their hot chocolate laughter
keeps frantic at bay."

I came to enjoy them again and say thank you very much.
Bleue! Thank you for your hot chocolate back! best, libby
Beautiful! I love your word choices - so juicy and satisfying.

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