Saturday, March 21, 2015

Note to Myself on Blogging @ OS (7-22-14)

Does it matter if I keep writing on Open Salon about massive but minimized and/or denied US-enabled or US-directly-perpetrated evil?
I recognize to many I am about as welcome as a hovering mosquito on a warm summer night.
Saying anything negative about anything “Jewish” is also a long time existent, social “political correctness” crime.
Leftists in Israel are now in grave danger.  Racism and exceptionalist group-think is so saturated within so many Israeli citizens and, of course, security forces, that thugs feel free to physically threaten and harm the rare Israeli citizens daring to openly promote peace and basic decency.
Too many Open Saloners, like those Israelis on the hillsides above Gaza chomping on chips and swigging their sodas and beer, dispassionately view the spectacles of death and destruction their own government shares profound responsibility for.  
Others on Open Salon resemble the thugs, spewing and enforcing pro-establishment propaganda and threatening anyone daring to question the evil talking points of a mass-murderous government and craven mainstream media. 
There is horror from Israel’s unconscionable slaughter war on Gaza.
Then there is horror from a seeming impenetrable denial or minimization of and cronyism on behalf of extraordinary evil on Open Salon.
Open Salon, a microcosm of US society, of course.
It's understandable. People don't like to learn that their country, culture, major political powers are not the best in the world and have faults that are unacceptable. It means something must be done and most people have other interests. They'd rather not know.
Now do you feel better, libby?
You know Libby, I asked myself the same questions before I decided to blog the story of Sayed Kashua, yesterday.

In the end, I decided that even if no-one reads it, it is my obligation to report what my conscience demands. It seems that You do the same.

I expected minimal response, but some of the responses surprised me.

Yep... I'm right there with you!

You can present and present and present, but there is nothing that any of us can do to get the willfully blind to see or ruefully uneducated in things such as the murders occurring in Gaza.

Then, when you factor in the willfully evil (and yes, I consider people who excuse the systematic murder of innocents by calling it "self-defense" to be evil) and the willfully asinine (same as above, but they actually make jokes about atrocities), it gets SERIOUSLY depressing.

But here's the thing... I'm stubborn as hell! I REFUSE to let the "willfully evils and asinine" have uncontested rein to make more of themselves out of the "blinds & uneducateds".

Believe me I've TRIED to walk away from this place that MiJ so rightly calls "Open sewer", but I keep coming back because I hope that I might convince just one person who was fence sitting. That has/does/will make it all worthwhile.
I think it matters, that you keep writing on Open Salon.
May be no new members, but I think outside traffic must be considerable, given view stats.

Sure OS is a US microcosm, albeit a leftish microcosm, but it also hosts voices from the Islands, Europe, Asia and Australia ~ about as many as there are repubs here, and I for one appreciate your access to information I wouldn't normally catch.

If the "other" side on OS don't want to hear you, their loss, and too bad.

Hey, Ordinary Joe ~ Know anyone who writes to make themselves feel worse ?
It matters to me. It's one thing to have a difference of opinion. Still another when other bloggers can't distinguish between a difference of opinion and verbal ab
Well libby, it seems that the path you've set for yourself is definitely not preaching to the choir so the frustration inherent in being a consciousness-raiser/gadfly/muckraker goes with the territory. And i don't say that to dismiss the frustration you're bound to feel.

As for OS being a microcosm of US society, in some ways perhaps. In others less so. During the last Presidential election I reckoned that had a vote been conducted here, the results would have been something like Obama 80%, Stein & Romney 10% each.
Keep writing in any media outlet you can find. Your voice is important.
You want to believe opinion and propaganda so badly you deceive yourself forgetting reality and then your little friends join in and berate others for not believing and posing opposite and factual information. I tried being nice.......................
R&R... Keep doing what you do...
It's pretty hard to change a mind. But my guess is that you've opened a few. That's where it starts. I'd miss having you here.
what's the deal with OS? I don't feel the members here approve of war or the israeli goverment or hamas. I don't feel or read anyone taking sides. but what I believe is neither side is right. they refuse to find the common thread that will bring peace and refuse to keep peace. the israelis are not going to leave israel. the palestinians are not going to leave palestine. this is a deadly stalemate with wars guaranteed to continue.

I feel as if you want "os" to agree with your pov. I don't. not that I agree with the israelis or the palestinians. but your POV does not resolve these issues for me.

life is pretty hateful all over the world where poverty exists, where violence exists, where radical islamists or radical anything exists. someone's always going to pay for someone else's beliefs if they have guns.

there are a lot of children dying everywhere. from poverty. from hardship. from unfair opportunities.

in fact, we have children coming over our borders, migrating thousands of miles in hopes of a new life. LITTLE children holding the hands of bigger children. they won't get a new life here and now the way things stand. some of them have been robbed, raped, beaten, abused, and most have been sent on this journey by their parents (and I assume, like us, they love their children), in hope of finding a better life.

this is a terrible world for children. for adults. you're right to want to make things better but damning israel at every turn isn't making anything better. it's divisive. what CAN you do to make something better? I can't tell you that. but one would hope, more than trying to make your co members feel guilt for not agreeing with you.

I agree with your intent - to make this a good world, a better world. what makes you think other's don't share the same intent? what makes you think that because you're not getting the responses you think you SHOULD get, that people aren't doing what they feel they should do to make this world better?

your fight is yours. it doesn't mean people don't agree this should be resolved. but maybe they don't think you have the answer. sorry libby. I don't want to offend you, but I keep reading the same thing over and over and it's always how right you are and how wrong everyone else is. and it's not just you. and it's sad and it creates a tension that resolves nothing.

I value your presence here. but this kind of "pressure" I don't value.

I look at it and I wonder what the point is - and in the end, I simply just don't agree with the method or the POV. but I still value you.
Gary writes: " . . . you tend to characterize people with whom you disagree as villains, evil to the core."

Yes, her posts are written as if the world only consisted of victims and perpetrators. Unfortunately the world can rarely be divided so cleanly and easily -- especially in conflicts that have existed for decades or even centuries, and in which no one has exclusive claim to the high moral ground.

In addition, the use of terms such as "evil" and "thugs" tends to polarize the discussion and turn it into a name-calling contest. After that, factions form, as other people defend their friends and attack enemies. Eventually there is no discussion, just people in effect shouting at each other.

Personally, I think compelling arguments can be made on both sides of the issue, which is one reason why it is such a difficult issue to discuss.
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I doubt that killing kids or other total innocents is defensible. It is about as clear a case of evil as can be made. To pretend otherwise requires a whole flock of adjectives I'd rather not get into.You have to be pretty blind not to see that.
libby, your voice is needed here so keep on keepin on...toss in a poem, story, or photo shoot as well from time to time because you do these so well. R
terrorUSt$' justUS has bequeathed to our heirs this once great planet, fracked to the core under a quilt of depleted carbons and methane but at least it will have been liberated of communism thanks to justUS ...freed to enjoy the bounty** of being governed by capitalUSt's ideology permeated with Zionazi justUS and impunity

**especially of arms, for prosthetic purposes after our wars on them, but especially for offense against enemies of justUS. Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and others who today who have the United States to thank for their capitalUSt economies of corruption, crime and the injustice of justUS.
Libby, can't imagine os w/o you...would be like a populist revolution w/o a Thomas Paine or a snake bite w/o anti-venom.
I'm with jlsathre, who wrote:

"It's pretty hard to change a mind. But my guess is that you've opened a few. That's where it starts. I'd miss having you here."
Gary Seven says "But one problem that I see with your posts is that you tend to characterize people with whom you disagree as villains, evil to the core."

Friend Libby, I have to agree. This is pretty harsh for people who care but really don't know what to do beside write their officials, keep spreading information and vote. Here's one that made me flinch just reading it.

"Too many Open Saloners, like those Israelis on the hillsides above Gaza chomping on chips and swigging their sodas and beer, dispassionately view the spectacles of death and destruction their own government shares profound responsibility for."

That's pretty harsh. If I wrote that regarding domestic abuse I could include a lot of people in my description of them as being cold-hearted. Unless they come out and say it's okay to beat a woman to death I'm not going to demonize the entire group. And yeah, I know, there are assholes about it. If no one else stands up to the assholes but me, then I stand up, chew some ass, and move on.

In fact, I'm assuming from your quote above I'm one of those people swigging soda and chips dispassionately viewing death and destruction. That kind of harsh judgement doesn't make me feel much like coming to read about the next thing I'm guilty of.

I feel bad enough about what the US is doing, and the last thing I need is to feel worse. It sure doesn't make me feel like using the little energy I have to do more, it kind of makes me feel like if I'm doing the best I can, and it's not good enough then why bother doing anything? I can only handle so many battles, including those I don't write about, I can't fight them all. I'm sure others are in the same position. I also have to accept that if someone agrees with me on most issues but doesn't agree on one, it's probably going to alienate them if I begin to insult or demonize them for it. If I keep it up, they may decide to insult and demonize me back.

I don't appreciate being attacked either (and I'm not speaking of you) because I need a little peace, laughter and joy in my life on the internet and don't want to be in the midst of endless battles. I don't have much of that in my personal life and I need and want it. The only place I can get it on a regular basis is on OS or fb.

I can't judge the bulk of the population on OS because I know nothing about the other things going on in their life. People don't have to tell me their life stories either to be exempt from taking a stance. I can't afford to get into too much chaos, and I know I'm not the only one. Sometimes in PM's I find out that issues I think another blogger doesn't care about have brought them to tears. Some just don't like to get emotional publicly, others are quietly writing letter after letter. We always see only the tip of the iceberg.

I don't attack my republican friends for what their elected officials do. I know they don't want drones dropping bombs, or the poor to starve, many are broke and all are scared. These are my friends, people who have gone out of their way to be kind to me. They're just too busy to dig that deep, they vote for the person who they think will do the best job, the one who tells them the future is BRIGHT, and the person who makes them feel good about THEMSELVES. Think about that for a minute. No one votes for (or aligns themselves with) the person who makes them feel bad about themself.

Right now we have a very closed two party system. People are afraid to vote for anyone but the annointed candidate. I get that, I'm afraid too. But calling everyone cowardly, or uncaring, or any other form of insults is not going to give them courage or trust in anyone else. If politicians insulted those they wanted on their side that way, none of them would ever get re-elected.

I love your passion, but keep in mind others who don't behave that passionately may feel as passionate as you. I handle stress, depression, frustration and sorrow with humor. That's my survival mechanism. It's also how I know I'm healing.

Now, I'm off to find my soda and chips.
People can straddle the fence for a VERY long time, until their conscience awakens them to the concept of "principles" and "morals!"
As far as I can eee, Libby is very detailed at attacking policies that she and I agree are pretty horrifying. No doubt if you are congenial with the atrocities Israel and the USA commits you must feel uncomfortable that those policies are attacked but the solution, as you seem to specify in your comment, is to substantiate your approval of those policies. Your choice. Don't expect Libby to be pleased about that.
"Don't expect Libby to be pleased about that."

And why should she (be pleased) ?
Rodney Dangerfield once said when complaining about not getting any respect, that when he asked for directions the man being questioned told him "At the fork in the road, go straight."

Make a choice.
It's as easy as that.
You write:
Saying anything negative about anything “Jewish” is also a long time existent, social “political correctness” crime.

I can't claim to have read your every word, but do you mean Jewish, or Israeli (as in Israeli government). I don't recall you writing anything anti-Jewish. That might disturb me.

As for whether your writing matters, it does matter if it gives you a feeling of accomplishment. Accomplishment is not necessarily measured in catcalls or ratings. It can simply mean that you have done something that you felt had to be done, period.

Anyway, my vote is that you stay here. The place would be less without your voice. There is room here for every kind of voice, not merely the OS mainstream.
one might say that the sins of masses are constructed out of the sins of individuals. on a bad day its "evils". its that whole "think globally act locally" thing right? the flip side, that is.
Empathy is not a commodity.
Blood, sweat and tears are.
And yes, it matters to me that you're blogging on OS about these issues and about personal things. I would miss you terribly if you were gone, even if I feel like I often disappoint you on the big issues. Anyway, I disappoint a lot of people, and quite often disappoint myself, always have, always will. I think we all do.

Being human is hard, I'm a million miles from perfect and probably always will be.
you write what you believe you should write libby. I won't comment in regards to israel or the middle east if I can help it anymore. first off, I dont' come here for that, but I don't begrudge anyone who does. but I see it a certain way and I can't offer a viable solution. I find talking about here does nothing for me. I figure we're a small group, some of us feel one way, some another, others another, on and on.

I don't account for what I think or believe and only certain issues except from a personal point of view. I'm not accounting to anyone. I'm not important enough to account to anyone. I'm just me with an opinion. no expert. just a human being.

I swear you'll probably think I'm an idiot but I'd rather talk about other things at least here. this is too frustrating - this bulletin board thing. sometimes you just can't get to the exact right answer, can't get it right either in the head or in the answer and god knows every fucking argument has to have a "conclusion".

but sometimes that doesn't exist at least not as far as I can see.

you're no mosquito or pain in the ass. you're real and you care about what you care about and I respect that, whether I agree with you or not. people that care are important. and you're one of the people here who prefers to discuss politics.

your opinions are as welcome as just about anyone elses as far as I'm concerned. I know I'm one person and its not like I lead intellectual discussions but I like the diversity we have here.
Kiss off gary seven. Get a life, NOT the empty shell you live within. Arock is wondering where the tenant from beneath has gone.
Mark, I think ole Gary is missing the main point. Libby thinks for herself, and doesn't need an Obamamaniac to counsel her on how to write her posts. Libby as a Republican? Maybe at a Halloween party.
"Mark, I think ole Gary is missing the main point. Libby thinks for herself, and doesn't need an Obamamaniac to counsel her on how to write her posts. Libby as a Republican? Maybe at a Halloween party."

Libby as a Republican? Maybe at a Halloween party, and me as choppedLiverace reincarnated.

Yes, he's missing a point, and ALL his marbles. Get some new ones at the five and dime. The kids are waiting behind the elementary school.

Chronically misfiring neurons on steroids, gary.
Written in July - how are you feeling about this today?

I'm glad you're here.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the value in any of our endeavors, but when that internal voice insists, it's hard not to heed its call, isn't it? For me, anyway...
Again, I'm glad you write/post, here.
Carry on, Libby, you and your passionate voice are valued here by many.
Sometimes it helps me to remember that complete agreement never happens, even among the best of friends, the most alike of minds.
"I wrote the comment after thinking through libby's post."

fandango, you only thought you were thinking. In reality there is NO thinking involved, here.

BTW: What's the relationship of "seven" and "fandango?" Nothing incestuous, I hope.
@Gary Seven
Why get angry, you ask.Is one supposed to sustain neutral rmotions when innocent people, especially kids, are being blasted for merely objecting to be crapped on by a bunch of egotistical militarized assholes? What does it take to get you angry?

Insofar as neglecting to criticize Republicans goes, while criticizing Democrats - Republicans are obviously a lost cause. They are so totally worthless they aren't worth the effort. But the faux liberal Democrats who pretend to be serving the people who elect them and then whore their way through their office - they deserve to be openly kicked around.
interesting feel when one's posts are resurrected from the past. even the relatively near past like this one. I noticed an old one on obamacare also surfaced recently from 2011 was it. Time flies as your country continues to unravel and destroy its citizenry and the world with lots of help from its friends.

this blog above was written in admitted fury over the escalating and gobsmacking slaughter war of Israel on Gaza back in July. I still feel that fury and frustration though then I was stunned at the audacity and media coverage of it all which even I would not have expected.

As for many of my fellow open saloners and fellow Americans watching the tube as Gaza was getting pulverized for 50 days by the merciless bombing of Israel, and me comparing some open saloners and Americans to those Israelis sitting on the hillside being entertained and titillated by the carnage, I stand by that comparison.

When evil is happening and in such a publicized and in your face middle finger up horrifying way by Israel and then fellow citizens support this and our own Congress is nearly 100% supportive of a country committing genocide and defending itself as acting in self defense when it is Hamas doing the self-defending. I don't condone Hamas violence but I don't see it as the provocative entity here. Israel needed tough love from the US long ago but instead the US has become as lawless as Israel and as enabling as ever to Israel.

I appreciate the honesty of the comments. I guess I want to compartmentalize libby as blogger from libby with a relationship with fellow commenters and I get confused when my generalizations get called on by individuals at times. That is my own obtuseness and naivete and needy-people pleaser coming out and wanting things both ways I guess. But I also don't like yo mama personality assassinations and pile ons over differences either in comment threads and even blogs. But when attacked one has a right to self-defend, but not go looking for fights.

I have written a couple blogs maybe with someone's name in my title who has come after me, but I don't recommend it or like it when it has been done to me, when I have been sharing my viewpoints and not made things personal.

I hear what is being said. jl's generous message about opening minds if not changing them was something especially that has stayed with me and comforted me.

Yes, perhaps I want to show that there are some of us who are thinking so very differently from what is being encouraged on corporate media. Just showing, WE ALL DO NOT ACCEPT AND TRUST WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING!!! THINGS ARE MESSED UP MAJORLY!!! QUESTIONING AND CHALLENGING AUTHORITY IS IMPORTANT!!! IT IS THE WORLD'S AND THE PLANET'S ONLY SALVATION!!! Wanting to introduce different ideas that have real facts behind them. Are not propaganda.

And you know I don't only write for those un-, under- or differently informed than me, I also write for the morale and of my fellow equally horrified, disenfranchised lefties and maybe indies and righties, too, in present Obamaworld, to say, yes, indeedy, things are that grave and outrageous!!!! WTF????!!!!! I'm outraged too.

I just shared with a friend that I once heard that anger is a "conversion" process. This angry voice is the voice that comes up and wants out when I do the political blogs after doing political reading on sites that honor reality and truth and morality. I try to balance the anger and frustration with as many facts as I can muster, do my homework to explain specifically my frustration to others and also to share what the mainstream media is NOT and ALMOST NEVER sharing or cravenly re-framing which is why I am trying to wake people up from the seductive mainstream media propaganda.

The hyperbole I am accused of is not really hyperbole in my eyes. The days of nuanced criticizing and suggesting tweaks to policies are gone. UNCONSTITUTIONALITY DESERVES OUTRAGE! Things have jumped the shark long ago and need to be called out. Saturated corruption is our government. The swamp is not being drained by the Dems it is now up to our lower lips, higher for some.

Triangulating the lesser evil Dems as superior in the game of political gamesmanship spectatorship plays into the oligarchs and militarists m.o. And yes, there is plenty of Dem media and Dem progressive criticism of the Repubs. I want to hold up a mirror to the Dems who have over-compromised and let go of the moral compass imho by enabling Obama et al.

I grew up around denial, I lived in denial. Like a fish in a bowl of water that doesn't fathom the water. What water? That is what US exceptionalism is. It is collective psychosis. And I enter that myself too readily. Alice Miller writes about how the Germans were collectively unconscious and seduced by a poisonous pedagogy in her books, particularly Thou Shalt Not Be Aware. I thought Hitler inspired FEAR in his citizenry. When I was little I wondered why when he went to sleep he wasn't overtaken. I naively thought there was one bad guy who overtook an entire country. Hitler was ADORED by so many who identified with their victimizer. Who demonized people that could be seen as threats to his citizens and he was protector not dangerous to them. That is denial. That is Stockholm Syndrome. We have let the brave hearts among us twist in the wind or worse for trying to bring us reality and truth as a country. We are letting the US direct demonization as it acts out what it is accusing others of doing. It is that shameless and evil.

I finally recognized the degree of the agonizing and wounding and sabotaging to my future self dysfunctional existence of my past. Now I am discerning a profoundly dysfunctional world and US community about me as I slogged my way through my personal denial, and my own government is making me with my tax dollars an accomplice to mass murder and disempowerment of my fellow humans as well as threatening my own right to liberty and happiness and life in this world in many dimension in short or long run. I am not going to eat shit and smile about it. I have to speak out. I am sure I am projecting anger over past insanity onto present insanity and that increases my volume. Nevertheless, saying what needs to be said matters. Maybe I can find a tone that stops jarring so much as I keep writing.

And re open salon, do you think a woman using an inside voice would have even been read here or have had the impact, positive and/or negative, I have managed? I made myself a lightning rod at times and often tried to put as much information and angry punch into my headlines for those I knew were unwilling to read me or didn't like me or my tone because there is so much going on, so many fresh hells, and an ever-worsening and toxic establishment. From my awareness with addictions, they get worse or they get stopped. And the co-addicts enabling them, they get worse or they get stopped, too. I learned from my recovery from addictive family dysfunction the coaddicts can become as toxic to one as the addicts.

A few months ago polling about how people felt about war showed record numbers of anti-war Americans. In a few months of disturbing beheading news, granted, with lots of propaganda for war mongering the percentages among Americans is up there once again. WAR WAR WAR KILL KILL KILL. WTF??? Bombing the sh*t out of people and trusting our government acts wisely and justly people have trust in????? Yikes. Yeah, who are they going to bomb the shit out of. Conspiring with Nazis in the Ukraine and the jihadists and thug countries like SA and Israel who want Syria the next failed state for resources and cronyism against Iran and Russia for full spectrum dominance. You think this is national security? The US is spreading world insecurity that includes our vulnerability and more cannon fodder troops, now facing EBOLA. Bless the troops say the arm chair chicken hawks who there is a chance even caused the Ebola outbreak with their own clandestine bioterrorism experimentations. Just when things sound shocking, they get even more shocking.

Our government is criminally insane. To me that is not hyperbole and that warrants some feelings among the citizenry I'm thinking! I'm feeling! Feeler/intuiter is my temperament. Already I am jarring to thinkers/senser types.

The election is two weeks away. Real issues aren't on the table from the viable candidates. We are an oligarchy. We are a criminal empire. Not we. The capturers of democracy. The destroyers of democracy. And I want more outrage not learned helplessness from fellow Americans.

My anger when I blog is aimed at the horrifying situation and a government that is so incompetent and evil. And I use the word evil because I see what has passed as "lesser evil" as the evil I find it to be and enough slack has been given for God's sakes to the greed and war addicts and their cronies no matter how photogenic and appealing their sound bite personalities seem to be.

Israel's government is corrupt and earns the word evil, too, imho. I wish Alice Miller would write a book about Israel and what happened to it. And there, too, there is an enmeshed majority population that is endorsing ethnic cleansing and deniers and group-think tribalists just as in this country.

Beheadings using machetes are horrifying. So are US assassinations with computers behind million dollar drones of how many thousands of innocents so far! And exploiting UN precepts about "protecting" countries this country wants to overcome. Yes, wiping out attendees at a funeral are called signature strikes because the dead body may be considered an ex-insurgent so let's kill everyone connected to that person and assume they deserve killing too. Yeah, there's a lousy plan on how many moral and strategic levels? Let's just keep on spreading well-deserved anti-Americanism as we destroy human beings or their quality of life. and killing gets addictive and game like.

best, libby

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