Sunday, March 22, 2015

GOOD NEWS re Jan Sand!!! updated w/ kinda get well card (2-20-15)

I just opened a pm from Jan Sand:
"I got back home about 5pm Helsinki time after spending most of the day in a very painful and nauseous state. The hospital finally got my system moving and I hope things will return to normal. I am very tired and sore from the experience but it seems I'll live."
Please don't jump on me as I celebrate his recovery or "recovering status" by saying "THANK GOD" as well as saying thanks to the well-wishing of the rest of our Open Salon family!
Note to dear JAN:  You take care of your PRECIOUS self and I eagerly look forward to your return as do other caring and appreciative friends of yours here.
UPDATE:  Paul Revere libby is definitely not!  On my last blog OUR JAN IS ALREADY BACK and left this message:
"I'm terribly sory. I suferred a sver blockage in my digestive system with vomiting ad inability to take even fluids by mouth. It was very painful and rather uncomfortable but I grabbed a cab to the emergency room of a hospital around midnight and the medical people got me out of it. I just thought I'd notify somebody at OS if I didn't ae it back.At this age I have a panic to look at the dark side. I am back home now and although I still must medicate I think I'll be OK."
Don't fret the typos, my friend!  So THRILLED to see you!!!! 
UPDATE:  In lieu of a formal get well card, here is a pic which I hope is medicine for any "melancholy" you may be feeling!

melon collie
Thank, uh, well,

I'm thankful
Good. Is it me or is it kinda brave to take a taxi to the ER?
I won't believe it until you and I cross swords again.

Internal blockage eh? Probably just 'cause yer fulla bullshit.

You can't croak yet anyway; which other silly socialists do I know who aren't all god believers?!

Phew! That was scary. Great news.

What a relief! :->
Glad to hear he is on the mend.
Great picture
My puppy's face is that color
LOL! That picture is hilarious!

R&R Answered prayer. ;-)
HAHAHAHA..on the dumb dog...I sure hope that was photoshopped!

Im relieved Jans okay. but whatever that is, I hope the Fins have healthcare and he gets his lower self checked out thoroughly.
A blockage! How scary! Glad you are ok!!
Thank you,Libby!
Jan , get well soon.
Jan when motivated is one of the two best poets on OS. I wish him long-life and pray for his speedy and full recovery!
For Jan, from Yeats:

Grant me an old man’s frenzy,
Myself must I remake
Till I am Timon and Lear
Or that William Blake
Who beat upon the wall
Till Truth obeyed his call.

An Acre of Grass
What a horrific ordeal!! Thanks for keeping us updated.

Well that IS good news! So glad to hear Jan's still with us, thanks to the health care system in Finland which sounds top notch.

Oddly enough, James was in the ER today too, receiving what I considered excellent care although I have nothing to compare it to.
Maybe he'll write about his experience (hint: it involves an abnormal bulge).

Now about that it possible it was actually the Holy Spirit? The Lord works in mysterious ways, you know. ; )
James is pregnant? Congratulations!

Who's the other?
Certainly at the handling of rhyme, Jan is the best.
I'm thankful you are better and will continue to be with us. Jan, you are a valuable member of the OS community and I appreciate your participation and your insights.
Good news! I got the news already personally from Jan.

I got the knowledge about Jan's hospital trip from 'ks'. I was actually myself in Helsinki at that day, when Jan visited hospital. It once came to my mind if I should contact Jan, (because already several times I've visited Helsinki, but we couldn't met). But then I became busy with some other things and didn't contact Jan.

After getting back home, I saw the email that I got a pm at OS from 'ks'. After that I contacted Jan by sms and heard that he was back home already. I'm living about 300 km from Helsinki and visiting Helsinki quite often nowadays.

A blockage in the digestive system can become serious. One of my brothers had one a few years ago and the doctors had to operate.

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