Friday, March 20, 2015

Two NYC Journal Entries Re 9/11 (9-9-12)

Journaled September 2001
“NOT SINCE PEARL HARBOR …” were the first words I heard as I flicked on the TV that brilliant, blue-skyed Tuesday late morning.
My Dad had been at Pearl Harbor during the bombing. In fact, he’d had to dive for his life as an enemy plane sprayed bullets about him, interrupting a serene Sunday morning stroll to the mess hall. He’d always reported the event with fresh passion, as though it had happened yesterday. I took the commentator’s words seriously but skeptically. What could parallel the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Horrifying, mesmerizing images appeared on the screen. My mind protested what I was seeing. Planes striking the World Trade Center towers. Gigantic billows of smoke pierced by flames.
I don’t know how long I stood in the middle of the living room gaping at the tv screen, my mouth hanging open. It was a relentless assault on my reason. I kept witnessing a plane striking a tower and then its collapsing. First one, then the other of those two architectural icons.
Impossible. That it had occurred at all and only miles from me. The southern tip of my city.
The WTC. I had worked there at least once as a temp. Had shopped there. Had had a celebratory birthday brunch for a friend at a classy restaurant on the ground floor. Had transferred subways there. Had been horrified at the attempted bombing there so long ago.
Maybe I knew people working there on such a fateful day …
THE PEOPLE!!! It was … had been … filled with PEOPLE!
My heart would only begin to catch on to the human toll. The 9 a.m. population of a New York office building. And this, these buildings, the mother (and father) of all corporate office buildings! GOD BLESS THOSE WHO HAD BEEN WOUNDED OR KILLED. GOD BLESS THEIR LOVED ONES.
The reporters had already begun taking not very confident stabs at estimating the fatalities. STAGGERING!
As an accident it was horrifying enough. But to be diabolically planned and executed by terrorists? It was surreal.
SURREAL! I was experiencing the essence of that word to the nth degree.
Every TV network either kept showing the video replays of the towers being struck and collapsing or had incoming footage of eye-witness interviews and commentary.
They were struggling, one tv reporter admitted, to “gain control of the story.” What about all of us gaining control of the mind-numbing danger we all were apparently in? Our comfortable illusion of safety was now shattered. WHAT MORE TO COME?
I thought of the old movie, “Being There.” Peter Seller’s character, Chauncey Gardener, a heretofore sheltered, intellectually challenged man, stumbles forth into the real world to be confronted by a mugger. Undaunted, Chauncey extends his arm with the remote control wand at the end of it and CLICKS. He is perplexed when it does not alter his reality. I had a similar conviction that I too could erase the horror with a click of MY remote.
How can a mind, let alone heart, wrap itself around the perimeter of such an event? It had to be retracted, disclaimed, shut off or escaped. SOMEHOW!!!!
My phone wasn’t working. There was a bleeping noise when I picked up the receiver.
I logged on to my computer and managed to access my e-mail. A dear brother’s instant message popped onto the screen. He’d been sitting patiently in California hoping to verify my safety. My fingers typed quickly and gratefully disclosing that I was okay. It helped to express my dismay. To sense his gratitude for my well being. Too soon our exchange ended.
I was left again staring dumbfounded at the TV reports. Listening to the reporters who were humbled and cowed by the event themselves. It was a unique moment for television for sure. The reporters showing such emotional vulnerability themselves regarding the story. We were all victims of this event.
I jumped when my phone rang.
An invitation from my likable work supervisor to come in and help cover the evening word-processing shift at the law firm in mid-town.
Since I lived in Manhattan I was closer than some of the scheduled coworkers whom she explained (UNDERSTANDABLY!!!) were not able to make it in. She herself had gotten “stuck” at work and could not get home to New Jersey. “After all, we’re an INTERNATIONAL firm,” she reminded me, only half-joking.
I declined easily. She wasn’t surprised.
I disliked disappointing her, especially in her plight. I was often hungry for overtime. But I knew I needed time to BEGIN to process what was happening. I could feel my “jitters” multiplying. I’d logged too many years in therapy to minimize my own needs in the face of trauma. This was big T trauma!
It was a law firm, after all, not a hospital.
Also, to go in on such a day and perhaps end up at the mercy of a workaholic attorney emotionally disconnected from the direness of this situation. That would be crazymaking. Enduring such a personality was trying enough on a normal day.
One snowy night years ago I had to clamor down 30-plus flights to a lobby from a different law firm because a fire alarm had sounded. The lobby was filled with firemen as well as smoke. A manicky lawyer I had been working for had made his way down, too. Upon seeing me he ran over to grip my arm and tell me we had to go back to finish the project. A fireman, overhearing this, started to yell at him. Told him no one was going back upstairs at least for the rest of the night. NO WAY.
I nodded to the fireman, but the attorney tightened his grip and repeated that we must hurry back upstairs.
“What’s wrong with this guy?” The bemused fireman appealed to me for an answer. I could only shake my head and shrug.
It wasn’t until I nestled the receiver of the phone into its cradle that I fathomed the bottom line truth of my refusal to go into work. I was way too frightened to set my toe out of the shelter of that apartment!
Journaled May 2002
It is a relief to be out of the first stages of the crisis, when all of us, particularly in New York, were experiencing such high levels of stress on a daily basis. Stress levels more typical of once in a blue moon, episodic bouts of crisis, not day-to-day, chronic ones. The shock and awe reminded me of what would follow one’s survival of a car accident. Only imagine surviving a car accident, every day for three or four or more months straight!
The anthrax threat brought new dimensions of anxiety with its psychological sadism.
In a Dunkin Donuts one morning during that first week I noted white dust on the countertop. My mind conceived anthrax, not powdered sugar.
Opening the mail each day was a conscious act of courage. My mellow and friendly mailman in his bright aquamarine latex gloves was noticeably (and justifiably) uptight and unhappy.
Having security guards pawing awkwardly through my pocketbook and knapsack before I entered bookstores, malls, stores, schools or my workplace was an odd sensation. Intrusive as the searches were, they often didn’t seem earnest enough to me to catch up with a halfway resourceful saboteur.
Lili Tomlin once said, “We’re all in this alone.” Seems apt especially now. We were all collectively touched by the crisis. Some far more tragically than others. Yet each person had his or her own prescription for coping.
I opted not to take the subway for a brief period, having been spooked by speculation on a TV news show that this would be an effective way for anthrax dissemination. I soon discovered that it was too expensive and inconvenient a phobia to sustain. Cabs were costly. I often could not afford the time it took to travel above ground.
I watched myself in amazement, on some days when I was particularly exhausted from a grueling, overnight workshift, easily surrender my vow of self-protection. With a “what the hell,” I’d trot down the subways stairs, slide my metrocard through the turnstile slot, and defiantly hop the underground car. I began risking the gauntlet more and more often.
I wonder where we all are now, collectively -- psychologically speaking? What’s going on in the subterranean recesses of our psyches? There is always a psychic residue left with the victim after trauma. That mental template supporting one’s existential sense of security becomes indelibly altered. The worse for wear.
The dramatic symbol, scar, of our collective wounding is a seven-story pit in southern Manhattan in place of the Towers to remind us of its many massacred work residents along with many of their intrepid and lost rescuers.
Have we stretched emotionally and spiritually from the crisis as citizen survivors?
Have some of us waded back into the shallows of denial?
Was the reprioritizing of our values discussed so earnestly on the television and within our social networks a temporary exercise?
Did having our sacred rights and privileges to privacy and movement dramatically reduced affect us? Will the external policing lighten up or is this to be incorporated into our American, at least our American city, life?
Are we more patriotic and appreciative of our country or did we pass through a kind of temporary superstitious sentimentalism for the sake of psychological security?
We are all still working our way through this. Will it result in an emotional hardiness of us metropolitan and national citizens and deepening of our spirit? Or will it bring an emotional hardness and thickening of our skin?
Maybe both.
* * *
I fear the feelings you will have when it finally comes to light who it was who instigated that attack. If you ask yourself "who benefitted", you'll figure it out before that day.

Keep yer pekker up kiddo, you'll do.

I was living in Inwood, at the north end of Manhattan, when it happened. I had no TV but I heard the report on the radio. It had no effect on the local life in the area but much later, when I ventured downtown in the area around Canal Street I became aware of the results and saw those two buildings were no longer there. The emotional impact was horrendous as it was the first, and only successful attack on mainland USA in modern times and from the point of view of the terrorists it accomplished what they were after at negligible effort and minuscule expense. Emotionally it knocked the most powerful country in the world on its ass and spread wide the gates to totalitarianism, a direction that G.W.Bush eagerly sought and accomplished and Obama obviously dances to the same tune with even more vigor and enthusiasm Whatever illusions the USA had about personal freedom and citizens' rights is rapidly going down the drain. As the Nazis and other totalitarians declared, just scare the hell out of the populace and they will do whatever you want. It is of no consequence whether or not G.W.Bush instigated the event (since his cold blooded attitude really gives not a damn for anything outside his loyalty to the corporate elite) because it is precisely what he needed to bamboozle the entire nation into horrifying foolishness and reckless expenditure of the country's wealth and blood out of proven lies and media manipulation. The Home Security farce is still feeling inside of grandma's underwear and baby's diapers for explosives while the few idiots who really are trying to do damage are usually revealed by suspicious civilian bystanders who are more aware than officialdom that something funny is going on. It's a scene worthy of the Marx Brothers and would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing.
The Pentagon is gulping down ever larger hunks of US wealth building technological wonders while the opposing forces are murdering US soldiers regularly with tin cans full of explosives buried in the road. And this wealth, sorely needed by the economy to keep people in houses and in schools and merely eating properly is being grabbed by the armaments industry to produce dangerous crap.
The future looks very dim indeed.
I did not start as a radical myself in fact nobody screamed for the blood of every Muslim louder than I did following 9/11. I spent that day thinking the woman I loved was killed in the “attack” only to find out she had to walk across the Brooklyn bridge with no cell phone service. When I went back to college for architecture I quickly learned there that were no competent and practicing professional architects that ever discussed 9/11. The only answer that they would give you was over a hundred skyscrapers have burnt completely to the ground world wide not one of then ever collapsed! With knowing smiles they would tell you building 7 collapsed even though it had sustained minimal fire damage. Why? Because it could kill your career, better to just sit back and watch them kill Moslems and create a police state such as the world has never known before. My hat go’s off to the 1500 brave licensed architects and engineers who have signed Richard Gages petition to reopen the NIST “investigations”.

A Zogby poll from 2007 showed 51% of Americans want a probe by congress of Dubya and Dick Cheney. Scripps Howard at Ohio University in the same year took a poll whose results show 16% of Americans believe the world trade center was brought down by explosives and that (due to the most fascist media cover up since Hitler burned the Reichstag) 40% of the people in this country do not even know there was a building 7 let alone that it also inexplicably collapsed into its own footprint. A recent Time magazine poll showed that 36% of Americans believe that government officials either allowed the attack to be carried out or carried them out themselves. No evidence whatsoever has ever been produced that Osama Ben Laden, CIA asset whose family had close ties to the Bush’s, was responsible for the attack. Any evidence as you call it is strictly hearsay produced by the same people who concocted the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq story. The tapes purported to present this mythically fiendish dialysis patient taking credit for the 9/11 attack have been shown by multiple film and audio experts to be to be crude fakes. Al Qaeda is an Arabic word for the list of Islamic assets the CIA had in Afghanistan to wage their de facto war against the former Soviet Union. The bone of contention there is that no one has ever proven “Al Qaeda’s” existence outside of its role as an extension of the CIA in the late eighties.

Opportunity is provided by the Bush family controlling both the security of the buildings attacked and the area at the point of the attacks origin. When you control the security of an area you have unlimited access to it eliminating the need to bring up the change in elevator company's prior to the repairs done to them before the attack. You also don’t need to seal off whole sections of the building for construction as some “conspiracy theorists” have said occurred in the days prior to the attack. The elevator shafts provided access to all the key support girders due to the unique and innovative nature of the Towers centralized construction. All you need is a few stone cold sappers who know how to repel and a couple of more key people in suits to make sure they are not detected. No explosive laden small army's, led by an evil Arnold Schwarzenegger, swarming over the building undetected, which neither you, I, nor anyone else with half a brain is buying.

Historical precedent would be Hitler's burning of the Reichstag which a few scholars till this very day refuse to accuse him of due to lack of evidence. This is not the way detectives work if your wife suddenly dies during a messy divorce leaving you with everything they immediately conclude that you did it and they are right 99.9% of the time. I can give you an even better Historical precedent. FDR froze all Japanese assets, sent his aircraft carriers out to sea, and then conveniently lost a broken Japanese code indicating eminent attack in red tape. He lost 3000 men in a military defeat he could have prevented and indeed even facilitated the attack by financially goading the Japanese. If he had waited to confront the Japanese WWII may have turned out far differently they had already conquered vast swaths of resources which they had not yet consolidated and as historians are finding out now had an extremely advanced nuclear program.

Aside from turning America into a police state that would make Joseph Stalin blush motive is provided by the unfinished business the Bush family had with Saddam Hussein. He was still the greatest threat there was to Middle eastern stability and the Hegemony of the Saudi and Kuwaiti royal family's who have been closely allied with the Bush family since day 1. Halliburton and Blackwater have made untold fortunes in the middle east and continue to do so. Benjamin Netanyahu went from being a dangerous extremist to Prime Minister and Americas military industrial tycoons became even richer insuring British banking interests, allied with the Bush/Pierce family for hundreds of years, that they would become even richer to.
In Afghanistan early in 1998 John Maresca, vice president for international relations of the Unocal Corporation told a congressional subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific there was anywhere between 60 and 200 billion barrels of oil in the Caspian region along with

236 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Maresca estimated that with a pipeline through Afghanistan 870,000 barrels per day the then current production of oil could be increased to 200 million barrels a day by 2010. The per hectare poppy yields in Afghanistan are now more than three times greater than they were in Burma during its hey day as the worlds major opium suppler: 48.5 kg per hectare for Afghanistan as compared to 15 kg per hectare for Burma. The conversion of opium into heroin has historically been calculated at a ratio of 10:1 for all countries. Afghanistan beginning in 2002 now takes only 8.5 kg of opium to produce 1 kg of pure heroin, a 15% increase in efficiency. Afghan production in 2001 when the Taliban decided to crack down heavily on drugs was down to a mere 74 tons. In 2003 under CIA control Afghanistan produced 2,865 tons of opium the amount rose 280% to 8,000 tons over the next four years.

The 9/11 World Trade Center attacks killed 658 of Cantor Fitzgerald’s 960 member staff (one of them was my neighbors son) leaving the door open for Fannie Mae, yes Fannie Mae, to develop a competing patent to check industrial carbon emissions in accordance with pending environmental laws. The new patent estimated to potentially generate 10 trillion dollars a year, Patent No. 6904336, is now held by the Chicago Climate Exchange. Do I need to tell you who is involved with Chicago Climate Exchange? With the collapse of building 7 the US Secret Service's largest field office was destroyed along with all the evidence of the Enron investigation.

The middle east is swarming with young Muslim men eager to die for Allah. Between the CIA, The Saudi secret police, and the Mossad is it so hard to imagine that a cabal of cooperating entity's unknown or perhaps even untouchable to the rest of the people in those organizations could find the necessary dupes to sit in the cockpits of those planes? You cannot operate on the assumption that sooner or latter someone will talk. The mafia founded by Italians and Jews operated for more than 50 years before law enforcement even had an inkling of its existence in the process commandeering whole country's like Cuba. The Manhattan project was not even dreamed of by the general public until mushroom clouds were billowing over Japan. Half the people if not more in the world are dyeing to know what's going on in area 51 yet nobody's telling. By personnel experience I can tell you that when one is immersed in a culture of secrecy it becomes second nature and a reflex reaction.

In spite of what the media would have you believe skyscrapers do not suddenly free fall into their own footprints due to fire or any other kind of disaster, never has happened in hundreds of sky scrapper fires world wide (some that burned for days consuming far more floors than 9/11), and it never will, look it up. Building 7 collapsed, also right into its footprint, in spite of being hit by nothing but a couple of pieces of debris and minor fires that were supposedly under control. 40% of the people in this country do not even know there was a building 7. What does that tell you about the media? I do not want to be redundant and restate the Chemical evidence. Many people say they can rebut it by attributing it to the contents of the buildings themselves. Melted computer terminals do not leave the exact same chemical footprints as state of the art explosive cutting agents. All I can say is go listen to the Coast to Coast debates between the professionals and decide for yourself who is lying because somebody sure as hell is. The very fact that the NIST admits they did not follow NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosions and even bother to look for explosive agents should raise red flags all over America. Let alone that its “investigations” were top loaded by the very same people who should have been the primary suspects because they were the only ones on earth with the technical expertise to carry it out. Why were they leading the investigation teams if they were not investigating their fields of expertise? Why on earth was all the evidence immediately and literally put on a slow boat to China? Bill Manning editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering magazine a 125 year old trade magazine for fire fighters issued a scathing commentary about inexplicable “criminal” negligence the “half baked farce” the government has passed off to the public as an investigation. As Noam Chomsky has tried to tell you in ‘Manufacturing Consent’ when you control the media you can make people believe whatever you want. The very fact that some of the most prominent architects, engineers, and scientists in the world have been sequestered from the main stream media speaks for itself.

Richard Gage is a practicing Architect, unlike any of the governments hack debunkers, and member of the American Institute of Architecture. He has designed numerous fireproof steel frame buildings he is a flag waving Republican and did not become interested in 9/11 till march of 2006. He is formally endorsed by 1500 of the best Architects, Engineers, and Scientists from all over the world. Gage debated Dave Thompson on Coast to Coast on August 22. Back in march they refused to even rebut him and tried to claim he was crazy when he went on Crosstalk with an independent panel of experts where they refused to even allow him to present any physical evidence. That didn’t go over well so they sent their very best at him in August. Dave Thompson makes Gerald Posner look like Gilda Radner on Saturday night live and even with the treasonous Ian Punnett “mediating” the debate Gage had him practically crying. At one point when Thompson had no answer for Gage Punnett jumped into the debate and swore his mother was there and heard no explosions, contrary to statements given by 106 trained firefighters and emergency personnel. If this was not the greatest tragedy of modern times it would be a comedy. Gage had Thompson actually saying UUUUGGGGHHHH and Punett was asking him if he was going to finish his sentence!

I can even give you 2 good suspects as to the actual perpetrators of 9/11. Surprise they both led the NIST investigation. The fact is that a reactant with the exact finger print of termite was found on the site. Dr Stephen Jones findings are documented in the peer reviewed journal; Open Civil Engineering Journal volume 2, 14 points of Agreement With Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction . Some of the partially ignited chips actually had iron- aluminum rich spherules imbedded in them. The only argument the debunkers (and they are invariably card carrying government spooks like Dave Thompson and Zdenek P. Bazant) have is that the ignition point is lower than thermite although this is true the argument really does not hold water, in fact it provides the best clue as to who the actual perpetrators were, especially in light of the fact that at least 2 of the NIST “investigators” were doing cutting edge experiments on the ignition of nano thermite. Coincidence 1 &2: Forman Williams was the lead engineer on NIST’s advisory committee and the most prominent engineering expert for Popular Mechanics. Forman is also a peer recognized expert on the ignition of porous energetic material or nano thermites. Others like the inimical and insidious globalist Hratch Semerjian were doing research on nano-particles made of silica, ceramics and refractory particles, or more specifically nano thermite which is an extremely fine mixing of ultra fine aluminum and iron oxide enhancing its explosive ability as well as its efficiency as a cutting agent. Coincidence 3: Science Applications International (SAIC) is the DOD and Homeland Security contractor that supplied the largest contingent of civilian investigators to the NIST 9/11 investigation.Winston Partners is heavily invested in the AMSEC Corp., 55 percent of which is owned by SAIC. Winston Partners was cofounded by Marvin Bush. The SAIC has extensive links to nano thermites, developing and appraising nano thermite research proposals for the military and military contractors, and developing nano-thermites directly. The SAIC’s subsidiary Applied Ordnance Technology has done research on the ignition of nano thermites with lasers and in yet another wild coincidence the SAIC was the firm that investigated the 1993 WTC bombing and by its own admission (“After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, our blast analyses produced tangible results that helped identify those responsible”) produced the evidence that pined it on Ramzi Yousef and his merry band of half witted Mossad irritants. Further coincidences are the SAIC was responsible for evaluating the WTC for terrorism risks in 1986. The SAIC is also linked to the late 1990s security upgrades at the WTC, the “heroic” Rudy Giuliani administration and of all things the anthrax incidents after 9/11, Jerome Hauer and Steven Hatfill were former employees of the SAIC, I guess its just synchronicity.

Dr Steven Jones performed chemical analysis on the previously molten metal. Thermite produces a characteristic burn pattern, a white ash , intensely hot liquid yellow metal, and an intense white reaction zone. Thermite also leaves behind chemical evidence, common elements such as aluminum, copper ,silicon, calcium, and unusual elements such as Fluorine and manganese. Dr Jones analyzed a sample from a 40 pound “meteorite” and found it was predominantly Iron with small amounts of aluminum, sulfur and potassium and Fluorine and manganese in abundance. Dr Jones analyzed a different piece of slag from the site and found the same ingredients. Sol Gel or super thermite can be used as shaped charges or as a viscous paint. It would leave behind a unique signature; 1,3 Diphenlypropane (1,3 DPP) the EPA analysis found 1 molecule present at levels in the dust that dwarfed the levels of all others; 1,3 Diphenlypropane. Eric Swartz of the EPA said they have never found it in any other sample that they have ever tested from other fires. Dr Jones tested 4 samples of the dust some from an apartment across the street others from as far away as the Brooklyn Bridge when he held a magnet close to them it picked up small angular particles and spheres. He calculated that 10 tons of this material was probably present in the total amount of dust from 9/11. The RJ Lee environmental firm was independently retained on behalf of Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas to investigate environmental contaminants in this company’s building at 130 Liberty Street, New York. RJ Lee found it inexplicable and “unique” that up to 6% of the weight of the dust samples collected was molten iron spheres. liquid metal dispersed into the air with force would according to the law of physics form just such spheres just like water being sprayed from a mister forms tiny spheres of water. The iron spheres found by Dr Jones exactly matched those produced in a thermite ignition experiment by John Parulis of Nevada. The signature graphs for both experiments match perfectly. Manganese was also found by the lower Manhattan Development Corp. and the NYC Chief medical Examiner, Manganese is extremely toxic and its presence would account for all the illness among the clean up crews. Dr Jones concludes that “given the mix of trace metals present in the anomalously high concentrations in the WTC dust such as zinc, copper and Manganese and the formation of iron- aluminum rich spherules it is clear that aluminothermic reactions occurred with the likely ingredients to include powders of aluminum, iron oxide copper oxide, zinc, nitrate and potassium permanganate”.

The last fire in the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center were not extinguished till 3 months later, as over a hundred fire fighters testified water had no effect on the fire.Thermite Fe2O3+2AI is an incendiary used by the military in controlled demolition it burns underwater and liquefies steel. In 2 seconds it can reach temperatures over 4000 degrees and when mixed with sulfur which lowers the melting point of the steel it is even more effective. Appendix C of the FEMA report describes sulfur residue on the steel. The NY Times called this “the deepest mystery” of them all. Sulfur used with Thermite is called Thermate Fe2O3+2AI + sulfur. NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosions is the standard tool for arson investigations section 12-4: states “Unusual residues… could arise from Thermite, Magnesium or pyrotechnic materials”. The NIST acknowledges that they did not follow the guide this admission alone invalidates their entire “investigation”.

All the while the Bush’s have played you. Dubya reading his little Goat book to school children is meant stamp the work with the Goat of Mendes. Its to bad none of you seem to know anything about the Order of the Garter, the Knights Templar and the very founding of the United States of America. Did any of you even know that America is the name of the star the Templar prince Henry Sinclair supposedly followed to America in 1398. In spite of your educations which many of you are just to smug about, none of you seem to notice that Osama Ben Laden bares an uncanny resemblance to Emmanuel Goldstein, the omnipotent and nonexistent terrorist, and Al Qaida to The Brotherhood, Oceania's contrived terrorist enemy, in George Orwell's “prophetic” book 1984. Millions of people have died. This is a crime unrivaled since Hitler walked the earth. If just what I have written here ever gets into the main stream media America will have its much needed Civil War! Many of you on this tread are Jews as I have told you before they take their cues from history. If any of this should go bad for them who do you think they intend to blame it on? Here is their escape clause right here get your stupid heads out of the sand and read it:

You can simply Google ‘America planed war with Afghanistan’ and read the mountains of evidence that Bush was planning an Afghanistan intervention long before 9/11. Who benefited? Well we can start with early in 1998 when John Maresca, vice president for international relations of the Unocal Corporation told a congressional subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific there was anywhere between 60 and 200 billion barrels of oil in the Caspian region along with 236 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Maresca estimated that with a pipeline through Afghanistan 870,000 barrels per day the then current production of oil could be increased to 200 million barrels a day by 2010. We can end with the base of opium production in Afghanistan where the per hectare poppy yields are more than three times greater than in Burma: 48.5 kg per hectare for Afghanistan as compared to15 kg per hectare for Burma. The conversion of opium into heroin has historically been calculated at a ratio of 10:1, for all countries. Afghanistan beginning in 2002 now takes only 8.5 kg of opium to produce 1 kg of pure heroin, a 15% increase in efficiency. None of this financial windfall in the opium business would have been possible without the removal from power of those annoying Taliban characters. Afghan production in 2001 when the Taliban decided to crack down heavily on drugs was down to a mere 74 tons. In 2003 under CIA control Afghanistan produced 2,865 tons of opium the amount rose 280% to 8,000 tons over the next four years. The country's share of world production leapt from 75% to 94% in the same period.

I could also take apart the ostensible reasons for our invasion of Iraq but the 100,000 thousand lies told by the Bush administration that put us there are now well documented facts. That is why Obama wisely keeps his mouth shut now and avoids dropping transparent lies into the public record to justify “our” overthrowing of Kaddafi in Libya and his maniacal escalation of covert actions worldwide. Its just like taking the fifth amendment, a tactic adopted by gangsters to thwart Americas legal system for 50 years, don’t say anything when you don’t have too.

Operating in “70 different country's a day” our military comprised of our children and paid for with our tax dollars. Yet a complete void as to mission objectives, the morality of those objectives, and no congressional oversight of the troops carrying out those missions. It reminds me of what was said about Brando’s character in Apocalypse Now “operating beyond all moral restraints” and you do remember what happened to Colonel Walter E. Kurtz? It is only a matter of time before, to paraphrase Jim Morrison who set the tone for that movie, a killer awakes before dawn and takes a face from the ancient gallery.
There were many times when my activities took me into those two towers over the years. Standing beneath them looking up was always something wondrous to do.

On the day of the event, I got word on the golf course...and left immediately for home. Nancy's sister worked in one of the towers and her other sister is a flight attendant. (I did not know that the one had moved to another building uptown...and the other was on a flight to Rome.)

I had a two siblings in California who called to check on me, because they knew I was in town often.

You told this with passion, Libby...I could especially identify with the September 2001 entry.

Our lives changed that day...and have remained changed. A walk through Penn Station where armed, uniformed military people patrol. Searches with each entry into a building. A loss of innocence.

Thanks for telling it.
My editor exhibited a similar detachment to your lawyers on that morning as we sat in the conference room, stunned, and watched the towers implode and thunder into heaps of rubble. An advertising artist muttered, "Everything's changed. We'll never be the same." The editor, who contradicted everything and most likely is the inventor of the expression "If your mother says she loves you, check it out," said "Yes, we will." and returned to his desk.

You've captured perfectly the tendency most of us have to hide behind denial when the unthinkable occurs, and then to peek out and gradually, by increments, accept the reality unfolding before us. Thinking of the people in those towers didn't hit me as I was watching the spectacle - maybe abstractly, but not in a visceral, personal way. Only later did the full horror of what I'd witnessed set in. My most memorable real experience connected to this life-changing catastrophe occurred when I met a news source for lunch that day. We were standing in the parking lot before entering the restaurant when I glanced up at the sky and saw there were no vapor trails in the clear blue space. I mentioned this to Chuck, and he looked up, too. There had always been traces of passing aircraft woven among the clouds over Williamsburg. Not this day. Not even any clouds. Just clear unbroken innocent blue. Chilling to the bone.
I still can't believe you were asked to go into work on that day, when will people realize that we put too much emphasis on things that in the end are totally unimportant.

I remember arriving at work just after the first plane hit. I watched w/ my coworkers as the 2nd plane hit and then the Pentagon was hit. We all just stood around in shock most of the day, my boss finally let us leave early so we could be with our families.
I was in Manhattan that day. A month later, I hired an older woman who was eating her breakfast outside on the plaza that morning instead of at her desk as she usually did. Every single person in her office was killed. But she couldn't work. I found her staring blankly or playing with her shoes and, because of the nature of her assignment, I had to let her go. It never would have occurred to me you could get PTSD in Manhattan on a clear blue day.
Thanks, sky.

These excerpts were from pre-libbyliberal's journals. I have a lot more insight today. I also can't help but consider that the US/NATO/Israel's WarMachine inflicts 9/11's on hundreds of thousands of people every year and what we went through as a city and a nation we should, but so many do or cannot, empathize with those foreign victims and survivors of our taxpaid weaponry and not-representing mass murdering chieftains, and so many of our citizens do not choose to understand let along stop the inhumanity -- the madness -- of war criminality. Of savagery and brutality and sociopathic greed.

Eleven years and the dots of "why they hate us?" have not been connected by so many. As our government shamelessly "uses"and supplies with weaponry and intelligence al Qaeda jihadists today to destabilize and destroy the country of Syria for geopolitical leverage against Iran and ultimately Russia and China and for oil and resources. No longer about "good" or "right" but "might makes right." Human welfare not a priority. Justice not a priority.

Even if we as citizens don't have power to push back against the bastards of the universe, you would think people might want to not be lost in denial and obtuseness. Apparently not. Watching the citizenry give a blank check for war criminality and global and national economic raping of people one more time to candidates who are anti-humane, anti-decency, anti-social justice is truly depressing and horrifying. Shock and awe for anyone with even the remotest particles of conscience.

best, libby
Jan, you absolutely take my breath away with how concisely insightful and eloquent and at times droll you are in distilling the tragedy that is our present predicament as moral residents of an amorally run world.

You were in the city at the time, too!

There was something sobering not only of course in witnessing the seven story pit where the towers used to stand, but coming up from a downtown subway and seeing a whole lot of sky where the massive towers used to stand on the horizon. They used to be my compass as to where south was. The absence of the Towers in their rightful place which I rarely visited but sorely noticed when I was in that neighborhood. Their massiveness and magnificence.

All that exposed blue sky suddenly.

You write:

"Emotionally it knocked the most powerful country in the world on its ass and spread wide the gates to totalitarianism, a direction that G.W.Bush eagerly sought and accomplished and Obama obviously dances to the same tune with even more vigor and enthusiasm Whatever illusions the USA had about personal freedom and citizens' rights is rapidly going down the drain."

Yes! As decent citizens went into "shock" the cockroaches of the Bush regime, sturdy cockroaches from the Nixon regime, were ready to make toxic lemonade out of the lemons to tragedy. I remember praying that even George Bush would rise to the occasion and be a leader. A prayer more than a belief. But he chose to go the way of evil, of course. More evil. And I still don't want to believe the worst of black ops collusion, but nothing would surprise me any more, Jan. Bush regime immediately went for it, incited jingoism and enflamed irrational generalized xenophobia.

The CIA it has been said (Ray MacGovern for one) was used by Bush as his Gestapo. The lack of transparency of it from a Congress that was so corrupt and cowardly and inept is stupefying, and the CIA has permission now to become all the more ruthless and lawless now that Eric Holder and Obama walked away from any torture program accountability, destroying the precepts of Nuremberg!

This statement:

"The Home Security farce is still feeling inside of grandma's underwear and baby's diapers for explosives while the few idiots who really are trying to do damage are usually revealed by suspicious civilian bystanders who are more aware than officialdom that something funny is going on. It's a scene worthy of the Marx Brothers and would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing."

When you tally up the expenditures for inflicting death and suffering on innocent people throughout the world you realize how much money could be given over to all global citizens to live comfortable and fulfilling lives. 7 billion people on the planet? Divvy up the costs of war just spent by the US alone (they say $1 million per troop each year, though God knows the troop doesn't get that money ... of course, the contractors and inside opportunists do, just like with health care) and there would be a right and opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness FOR ALL.

And of course the continuation of war criminality exponentially makes the anti-American passion all the more enflamed by innocent people who lost loved ones thanks to our brutal hegemony and leaves us as citizens more vulnerable to ultimate violent ambushes.

It is said that homeland security is not about controlling sabotage from other countries primarily. It is set up to control more and more Americans who when they do get how their rights and welfare have been destroyed and get angrier and angrier (though it is awesome the slowness of awareness and anger and their trust given over to one or the other party representative of massive betrayal) will be easily controlled if they try something by the homeland "police" (becoming more and more violent like our US special ops "death squads" acting out in other countries). Glen Ford of black agenda report speaks of that in a recent blog.

Finally you say: "The future looks very dim indeed."

No argument, here, Jan. thanks for commenting!

best, libby

thanks for honoring me and this post by sharing so much I know will be intense and profound disclosures. I am taking a deep breath and ready to learn more than I do now I have no doubt.

My God, Jack:

"I did not start as a radical myself in fact nobody screamed for the blood of every Muslim louder than I did following 9/11. I spent that day thinking the woman I loved was killed in the “attack” only to find out she had to walk across the Brooklyn bridge with no cell phone service."

What emotion that must have cost you that day, both of you. I am so glad she was spared!

The conspiracy of silence within the architectural community. The betrayal of American society is from a four way triumvirate, government, business, media and academia!

"When I went back to college for architecture I quickly learned there that were no competent and practicing professional architects that ever discussed 9/11. The only answer that they would give you was over a hundred skyscrapers have burnt completely to the ground world wide not one of then ever collapsed! With knowing smiles they would tell you building 7 collapsed even though it had sustained minimal fire damage. Why? Because it could kill your career, better to just sit back and watch them kill Moslems and create a police state such as the world has never known before. My hat go’s off to the 1500 brave licensed architects and engineers who have signed Richard Gages petition to reopen the NIST “investigations”."

I have heard about the brave signers of that petition!

You write:

"No evidence whatsoever has ever been produced that Osama Ben Laden, CIA asset whose family had close ties to the Bush’s, was responsible for the attack."

Maybe this was why it was important to snuff out bin Laden, if it really was bin Laden which is doubtful. Incredible the massive lies told to the American public, even more than people in other countries are told about our own reality. John Mearsheimer says that American government leaders start out lying their asses off about foreign policy but then that is a slippery slope and it gets easier and easier to lie about all things domestic ultimately, too.

I did not know this but am not surprised:

"Al Qaeda is an Arabic word for the list of Islamic assets the CIA had in Afghanistan to wage their de facto war against the former Soviet Union."


"Opportunity is provided by the Bush family controlling both the security of the buildings attacked and the area at the point of the attacks origin. When you control the security of an area you have unlimited access to it eliminating the need to bring up the change in elevator company's prior to the repairs done to them before the attack. You also don’t need to seal off whole sections of the building for construction as some “conspiracy theorists” have said occurred in the days prior to the attack. The elevator shafts provided access to all the key support girders due to the unique and innovative nature of the Towers centralized construction. All you need is a few stone cold sappers who know how to repel and a couple of more key people in suits to make sure they are not detected. No explosive laden small army's, led by an evil Arnold Schwarzenegger, swarming over the building undetected, which neither you, I, nor anyone else with half a brain is buying."


What you say about FDR and the Japanese also gives me chills, considering what my father went through at Pearl Harbor and thereafter and before in many military locations. But again, nothing would surprise me any more.

Watching the NewsHour become more and more corporate pliable, they probably have been for a long time but I lived in the bubble then, but I remember I used to tune in to hear Mark Shields and trusted him. Now I shake my head over what a cowardly shill he is and he is one of the better ones. Corporate media is so evil and once you exit the bubble or one layer of the bubble (I realize I am still gullible and naive in some dimensions) looking over your shoulder it seems so obvious and horrifying.

I remember the moment when Carol Browner of Obama's environmental agency assured Judy Woodruff shortly after BP disaster that Mother Nature had cleaned up 80% of the damage in the Gulf. Judy Woodruff looked shocked but she politely did not CHALLENGE that preposterous lie. Of course not. Woodruff as puppet and she wants her juicy job, of course. like those architects.

Yes, so agree about this swept under the carpet cronyism of the Bush family with SA ruthless monarchs.

"He [Hussein] was still the greatest threat there was to Middle eastern stability and the Hegemony of the Saudi and Kuwaiti royal family's who have been closely allied with the Bush family since day 1."


"Halliburton and Blackwater have made untold fortunes in the middle east and continue to do so."

And continue to do so. After all their evil shenanigans, they are still raking it in. Remember when corporate media once in a while actually reported on their infractions?

You mention Unocal. Karzai of Afghanistan worked for Unocal, right? Made him particularly useful to our government, eh?

I have been curious for so long about why the US occupied Afghanistan has accelerated the worldwide supply of heroin from there.

You write:

"Afghan production in 2001 when the Taliban decided to crack down heavily on drugs was down to a mere 74 tons. In 2003 under CIA control Afghanistan produced 2,865 tons of opium the amount rose 280% to 8,000 tons over the next four years."

Jack, I am going to continue on to a new comment block soon. I am home today with a back spasm so I may need to break a bit. But I appreciate these disclosures and will be back! thanks again.

best, libby
Libby I loved two woman in 53 years she was one of them. To be duped into lust to murder your fellow man is a terrible thing. There is no more a feeling of being used. I owe the best I can do to help rectify the murders of over one million Muslims not to mention the 3000 Americans Dubya and his brother Marvin cold bloodedly murdered while Dubya read his little goat book to school children.
Jack, I am back. Thanks for commenting again. I appreciate your passion about this. I wish more people could get there to want justice and sanity and accountability.

So much toxic and deadly cronyism and so much toxic and deadly lying and so much incredibly thick denial and minimization. Growing up in an alcoholic family I saw and heard so much surreal horror at times but the mandate was to carry on and let it all ride, no matter what it was doing to your own psyche and sanity. Keep on trying to function even though there was so much wrong and getting "wronger". Keep the SECRETS at all costs.

As I write this there is a chocolate commercial on tv with a famous tennis player and two women airport security guards are eating the candy out of the carry-on he has with him and then one says we will have to confiscate this, sir, as they chew the candy and then as an aside one of them says, "We'll have to do a strip search, too." Is this supposed to be hilarious because it is disgusting and it is role-modeling an ugly callousness and cavalier sexual inappropriateness.

I am going to resume with your share.

"The 9/11 World Trade Center attacks killed 658 of Cantor Fitzgerald’s 960 member staff (one of them was my neighbors son) leaving the door open for Fannie Mae, yes Fannie Mae, to develop a competing patent to check industrial carbon emissions in accordance with pending environmental laws. The new patent estimated to potentially generate 10 trillion dollars a year, Patent No. 6904336, is now held by the Chicago Climate Exchange."

"Do I need to tell you who is involved with Chicago Climate Exchange? With the collapse of building 7 the US Secret Service's largest field office was destroyed along with all the evidence of the Enron investigation."

Fannie Mae? All evidence of the ENRON investigation? Holy crap.

You write:

"The middle east is swarming with young Muslim men eager to die for Allah. Between the CIA, The Saudi secret police, and the Mossad is it so hard to imagine that a cabal of cooperating entity's unknown or perhaps even untouchable to the rest of the people in those organizations could find the necessary dupes to sit in the cockpits of those planes?"

Absolutely not. Look at the sting operations set up by the police and CIA and FBI. In the 60s I read a story about a potentially violent newbie anti-establishment group that ended up being populated only by frontmen of various covert security groups. That might make a funny (but not) movie script.

You write:

"By personnel experience I can tell you that when one is immersed in a culture of secrecy it becomes second nature and a reflex reaction."

Again, Jack, my alcoholic family. Anyone knows that incredible culture of secrecy and sacrifice all to keep the crippled system limping along.

Yes, Jack. The incineration of the victims of that building defied logic. The hospitals in the area were prepared for hundreds of wounded survivors and the horror was that there were no wounded survivors per se. That was the horror. The mass incineration.

You write:

"In spite of what the media would have you believe skyscrapers do not suddenly free fall into their own footprints due to fire or any other kind of disaster, never has happened in hundreds of sky scrapper fires world wide (some that burned for days consuming far more floors than 9/11), and it never will, look it up."

Yes, Building 7. The media and political groups run from mention of Building 7.

You write:

"Let alone that its “investigations” were top loaded by the very same people who should have been the primary suspects because they were the only ones on earth with the technical expertise to carry it out. Why were they leading the investigation teams if they were not investigating their fields of expertise? Why on earth was all the evidence immediately and literally put on a slow boat to China?"

Half-baked farce is right.

"As Noam Chomsky has tried to tell you in ‘Manufacturing Consent’ when you control the media you can make people believe whatever you want. The very fact that some of the most prominent architects, engineers, and scientists in the world have been sequestered from the main stream media speaks for itself."

"If this was not the greatest tragedy of modern times it would be a comedy. Gage had Thompson actually saying UUUUGGGGHHHH and Punett was asking him if he was going to finish his sentence!"

Your architectural/chemical analyses is way over my head but I trust that there is an insane cognitive dissonance and MORE among experts as to what happened. Talk about an already fascist state!

You write:

"The signature graphs for both experiments match perfectly. Manganese was also found by the lower Manhattan Development Corp. and the NYC Chief medical Examiner, Manganese is extremely toxic and its presence would account for all the illness among the clean up crews. Dr Jones concludes that “given the mix of trace metals present in the anomalously high concentrations in the WTC dust such as zinc, copper and Manganese and the formation of iron- aluminum rich spherules it is clear that aluminothermic reactions occurred with the likely ingredients to include powders of aluminum, iron oxide copper oxide, zinc, nitrate and potassium permanganate”.

"The last fire in the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center were not extinguished till 3 months later, as over a hundred fire fighters testified water had no effect on the fire.Thermite Fe2O3+2AI is an incendiary used by the military in controlled demolition it burns underwater and liquefies steel."

My mouth just dropped open on your paragraph above.

"In 2 seconds it can reach temperatures over 4000 degrees and when mixed with sulfur which lowers the melting point of the steel it is even more effective. Appendix C of the FEMA report describes sulfur residue on the steel. The NY Times called this “the deepest mystery” of them all. Sulfur used with Thermite is called Thermate Fe2O3+2AI + sulfur. NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosions is the standard tool for arson investigations section 12-4: states “Unusual residues… could arise from Thermite, Magnesium or pyrotechnic materials”. The NIST acknowledges that they did not follow the guide this admission alone invalidates their entire “investigation”."

Jack, I am overwhelmed with the scientific information you have a handle on. You know I had friends who went down to do volunteer work at the site, to help the volunteers. I was going through a real depressive low period and did not help and felt terribly guilty I did not. Apparently I escaped breathing those toxic fumes. I have a dear friend who lives in that area and I worry about her breathing that air day in and day out.

"... none of you seem to notice that Osama Ben Laden bares an uncanny resemblance to Emmanuel Goldstein, the omnipotent and nonexistent terrorist, and Al Qaida to The Brotherhood, Oceania's contrived terrorist enemy, in George Orwell's “prophetic” book 1984."

I admit I never read 1984 myself cover to cover though I think it may be high time I did. For me both the movie and the novel by Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 hits home for me from the growing fascism and over-control of the state and especially the wall-screened intrusive media that defined and defied REALITY.

"Millions of people have died. This is a crime unrivaled since Hitler walked the earth."

I will look up your link at a later time. thank you.

I hear you about the barrels of oil in Afghanistan.

"None of this financial windfall in the opium business would have been possible without the removal from power of those annoying Taliban characters."

You say between 2003 and 2007 Afghanistan's share of world production leapt from 75% to 94% in the same period. Yes, we definitely are NOT nation-builders, are we, unless it is narco-nation builders/exploiters!

Jack, the proliferation of perpetual war needs to be addressed and I don't know why 300 million Americans, or even why the 80 million let's say who put Obama into office and were so inspired to stop Bush and the US WarMachine and all that corruption can not rally and push back as Obama not only continues but enables and escalates the gangsterism!!!

You write:

"Operating in “70 different country's a day” our military comprised of our children and paid for with our tax dollars. Yet a complete void as to mission objectives, the morality of those objectives, and no congressional oversight of the troops carrying out those missions. It reminds me of what was said about Brando’s character in Apocalypse Now “operating beyond all moral restraints” and you do remember what happened to Colonel Walter E. Kurtz? It is only a matter of time before, to paraphrase Jim Morrison who set the tone for that movie, a killer awakes before dawn and takes a face from the ancient gallery."

Yes, THE HEART OF DARKNESS!!! The horror, the horror!

The depth of the evil is advantageous to the evil-doers because they demonize the messengers and since evil repels people and they are unwilling to attribute it to especially fine "personality cult" actors it will be rejected and twisted by them to be turned back on the messengers themselves. Look at what they have done to Assange and to Manning and the so many who are under the radar of reality telling thanks to the corporate media.

And every month, week, day maybe the US/NATO/Israel WarMachine replicates the kind of 9/11 tragedy that we endured on 9/11/01!!! Why can't people connect those dots of empathy? I know many do. But MORE, Jack?

Jill Stein has a legitimate Green Party presidential candidacy (has followed all the rules) and she is willfully ignored by corporate media and shoved out of the "game" which should not be a crony game but a democratic process. Of course. Because she would illuminate all the EVIL.

I keep saying we need a paradigm shift from patriarchy. We need a paradigm shift from vomit-inducing mass EVIL.

It is a syndicate, Jack. It really is.

Take care of your precious self. Thanks for sharing all this with me and with us.

best, libby
Frank, thanks so much for sharing on this one!

Yes, anyone who viewed those towers can relate to such architectural majesty.

You write:

"On the day of the event, I got word on the golf course...and left immediately for home. Nancy's sister worked in one of the towers and her other sister is a flight attendant. (I did not know that the one had moved to another building uptown...and the other was on a flight to Rome.)"

You had a double whammy Frank. You were beside yourself worried about some of your precious loved ones and other loved ones of yours were beside themselves out west concerned about your safety!

I think 9/11 gave us a taste of what our own USWarMachine has been doing illegitimately in many, many cases abroad for many years before and after 2001 in other countries. Finally, we had a taste of it on our own soil.

I wish 9/11 had encouraged more of our citizens a distaste for war anywhere on the planet and not encouraged a xenophobia about foreigners abroad, most of whom just want to fulfill their lives in comfort and not be harassed and oppressed by governments run by greedy and sociopathic corporatists, like, tragically. ours!

best, libby
Chicken Maaan,

Thanks for commenting, my friend!

Yes, you really "get" people when a crisis happens, who they really are. The good, the bad and the ugly can pop out.

Inappropriate minimization is a stunner. That lawyer in the middle of the fire, thankfully not a big one, he had a shark top lawyer breathing down his neck at another location and his own welfare let alone mine meant nothing for him in his deadline obsession and his fear of that corporate monster (I was familiar with which attorney it was--they both were like addicts at the moment and reality couldn't touch them). The fireman was my reality check.

You say it so well, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out," in terms of that guy's cynicism.

I remember when I was in school so many many years ago and heard that JFK had been shot (one of those moments, like 9/11, where you remember where you were when you heard), one older girl in the buzzing school hallway near me as the news spread (we lived in a very Republican suburb) turned to her friend and said, "Well, I never liked him, anyway!" I am sure she had heard her parents' complaints about JFK and was just mouthing her cold-hearted child conclusion ... but it chilled and horrified me she could pronounce that!

The morally obtuse even as kids rarely keep their mouths shut at such horrifying times, do they?

Thanks for addressing the "incrementalism" of introducing horror into one's own mind and heart. I think I was so stunned by the loss of smoothness, too, which in a way made it all the scarier but more real, of the tv talking heads who I think with their smoothness and lack of moral questioning -- now less and less moral questioning --have done so much to advance corporatism and destroy real democracy and encourage us as citizens NOT to critically analyze anything, especially GRATUITOUS except for corporate profiteering WAR.

The talking heads with their corporate paychecks seduce the consumer citizens into abandoning their citizen identities. Especially now the MSNBC corporate heads who want to play "pretend you have a citizen identity" but don't seriously take on the horror of war or God forbid sins of one of the two legacy corporate parties. Lost to gamesmanship. Amoral double standard gamesmanship!

How astute of you to notice there were no vapor trails in that blue blue sky that day!

I had worked a night shift the night before and it went late and had slept through the actual plane crashes into the towers. I do remember being disturbed by so many fire trucks with their sirens going as I slept or tried to sleep that morning -- something was going on for sure in the city. One after another after another but apparently it did not rally me to full wakefulness to explore why. When I finally clicked on the tv late morning I was horrified.

"Not this day. Not even any clouds. Just clear unbroken innocent blue. Chilling to the bone."

That last so very well put, my friend!

best, libby
SS, thanks for commenting!

Yes, being asked to come in to work. If I had been younger I probably would have taken them up on it, being overly compliant to authority, but I had recovered somewhat as I say from that compulsive people-pleasing tendency! Thank God! Putting MY needs as a person above my "role" in even a work community!

That must have been memorable, being in a group of your coworkers and considering what had happened to those innocent workers in another building, simply coming in to earn their livings. The horror of it all and the confusion as to why it happened and how it could possibly have happened in this day and age.

Thanks for sharing, my friend!

best, libby
nilesite! I love that we both share NYC and can share our stories of it here. Your share is moving. Sounds like the woman did have PTSD, especially one of the four main parts of it, SURVIVOR GUILT! Yikes.

What a remarkable sentence: "It never would have occurred to me you could get PTSD in Manhattan on a clear blue day." Well put!

best, libby
Rudy! Thanks, once again! :-) best, libby
An anniversary which I choose not to reflect on as... we have no one else to blame but ourselves. We caused this madness this mess and melee. Great Piece L, I'll be reading all this again and again.
Before 9/11 they were slowly chipping away at our rights and most people weren't paying any attention. There were some people that were and they were slowly gaining momentum.

If you accept the official story of 9/11 and you look at the details behind it it should be clear that this might be partial retaliation for corrupt activities abroad that have gone back decades. They were rapidly suppressing the rights of many other people and they were fed up.

Not that I think that justifies it; but the selective story they repeat over and over again is crap.

Since 9/11 they have put the Shock Doctrine into overdrive and now they rapidly eliminating our rights regardless of what happened or why.

The greatest threat isn't the terrorists; it's our own government and the corporations that are corrupting it and now they often try to portray all of us who disagree as terrorists, when they think they can get away with it.

I'll have to get back to the comments including Jack's which could be a separate blog, if OS still exists later.
In regard to the national mind warp immediately after 9-11: a little girl forgot her backpack as she and her mother got off the subway in Hollywood. For a moment I thought about pulling the emergency cord to notify the conductor, then my rational mind took over and I got up, picked up the pack and handed it to her mother. Strange times.
tg within, thanks so much and I seriously agree with your comment! best, libby

thanks, zachd! great to see you. thanks for your also very wise comment. You write:

"Before 9/11 they were slowly chipping away at our rights and most people weren't paying any attention. There were some people that were and they were slowly gaining momentum.

"If you accept the official story of 9/11 and you look at the details behind it it should be clear that this might be partial retaliation for corrupt activities abroad that have gone back decades. They were rapidly suppressing the rights of many other people and they were fed up.

"Not that I think that justifies it; but the selective story they repeat over and over again is crap."

Yes, I so agree with that take. Looking at how the WTO and the IMF and the Fed behave, covert economic pirates and rapists, of the helpless and vulnerable shoring up the illegitimate power bastards.

You go on:

"Since 9/11 they have put the Shock Doctrine into overdrive and now they rapidly eliminating our rights regardless of what happened or why. "

"The greatest threat isn't the terrorists; it's our own government and the corporations that are corrupting it and now they often try to portray all of us who disagree as terrorists, when they think they can get away with it."

Yes, I agree, Jack's comment should be a blog and is intense and enlightening reading! best, libby

jmac, yes, the paranoia that was provoked in all of us. justified or not at times, it infiltrated into our very pores. And now we have reason to be paranoid not only about the declared potential terrorists whose families are being more and more gratuitously harmed abroad and by so many police state counter-terrorists terrorizing those they should be protecting. best, libby

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