Sunday, March 22, 2015

Political Joke (1-31-15)

So there is a screw-up with scheduling of vip guests at the White House.
President Obama learns that the new King of Saudi Arabia, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis are all waiting to see him at the same time.
Obama turns anxiously to a senior aide. “Whom do you think I should see first?”
The aide ponders and then confidently replies: “I would see the Pope first and get that out of the way. After all, with the Pope all you have to do is kiss his ring.”
You realize that you, especially behind your back and via PM, will now be labeled a disgusting anti-Semitic bitch for DARING to make a joke about an Israeli.

Best stick to insulting other religious beliefs (and Muslims in general, 'o course). That apparently is WAAAAAY more acceptable. ::roll eyes::
Libby, I would've met them all at once and given them a tour of something that's normally off limits like Cheney's former bunker.
Great joke

Particularly given Netanyahu's unconscionable accepting of Boehner's invitation. My rabbi, who's high up in AIPAC, bitched about it this morning. Forbes took Boehner and Netanyahu to task for it. I hear even Fox bitched.

I'll probably forward this one. Thanks.
Pretty good. Here's one I hear in Argentina just after Alfonsin was elected to end the military dictatorship. But for this audience perhaps some background. Argentina was still unstable, inflation was 200-300% and during his 6 year terms there were three or four attempted coups.

So God decides to answer one question from each of the world's leaders. Gorbachev asks "Will perestroika owrk to create an open, democratic Soviet Union?"

God replies "Yes, but not during your term in office."

Reagan asks "Will we ever be able to rid ourselves of nuclear weapons so the peoples of the world will not have the threat of annihilation hanging over them?'

God replies "Yes, but not during your term in office."

Alfonsin asks "Will Argentina ever be a normal country free of corruption, military rule and economic calamity?"

God replies "Yes, but not during my term in office."
its not just the prez kissing *ss, its pretty much the whole country entirely but without their knowledge....
Abra, that was damned funny.
The Zionist guy is laughing so loud I couldn't hear what the heckler in front was saying.
A nice equal opportunity joke.
Francis, however, would forgive the president for not kissing his ring. The other two would order that their throngs be pulled up and snipers be sent out to kill the truth that there is nothing even remotely not odiferoUSlie on their rear ends.

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