Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Comment to Mark re Toxic Group-Think in Israel and USA (10-23-14)

[r] Mark: No one wants to believe this horrifying degree of saturation of racist hatred in Israel -- a group-think of profound disconnected non-identification with fellow global humans particularly and intensely the Palestinians, which is where many of the US psychically exist (or non-exist) in not morally and intellectually comprehending the mass victims of our own government's corporate-aggrandizing wars and the injustices economically and socially in our own homeland.
The slaughter war on Gaza before all our eyes that was defended blindly by the over-indoctrinated to a demonizing group-think in both Israel and in America.
And in America, we have been Stepfordized, enthralled to a terrible authoritarianism. Mass murder has been normalized. High crimes and misdemeanors of our leadership have been normalized. The authority after Bush decided not to hold accountable the crimes of that regime, just as Bush's authority government did not reform the more covert crimes of the Clinton administration. The political capture by oligarchs began a long time ago, if we had listened to Nader who nailed it.
A total disconnect in America of so very many to the millions of victims of the "other" by our -- but not our -- military industrial security media complex WARMACHINE.
Such an unconscious over-trust of so many Americans in the will of a corrupt and sociopathic government and its corporate media propagandist enablers. The Dems (and long before that Repubs) and Obama regime's (and Bush's and Clinton's before him) TOTAL CORPORATE CAPTURE is complete and it and the media in turn have captured the hearts and minds of too many of the citizenry inducing them to ignore and abandon the basic precepts of our democracy and constitution, the pro-citizen reforms and protections fought so hard for by our ancestors, allowing them to be jettisoned one by one before our eyes by an oligarchy-controlled government incapable of partnership and cooperation and empathy with its own citizenry let alone fellow global communities. A patriarchy left standing (and dooming the entire world with its unconsciousness of its path to destruction) of unbridled competition and addiction to power and control and profit. Psychopathic, with corporatism/capitalism rules and priorities. A criminal empire.
Shlomo Sand's (mentioned above [in Mark's blog]) book contains this paragraph:
"I am aware of living in one of the most racist societies in the western world. Racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws. It is taught in schools and colleges, spread in the media, and above all and most dreadful, in Israel the racists do not know what they are doing and, because of this, feel in no way obliged to apologise. This absence of a need for self-justification has made Israel a particularly prized reference point for many movements of the far right throughout the world, movements whose past history of antisemitism is only too well known."
The horror and paradox of it all is that Israel has become the monster its ancestors were persecuted by allied with other monster governments, including ours. I think now of the US working hand in glove with Nazis in Ukraine to regime change there. There is no honor, there is no principle. Profit and power uber alles. Full spectrum dominance and the ends justify any craven means.
Alice Miller, a psychologist, in her books Thou Shalt Not Be Aware and For Your Own Good talks about the poisonous pedagogy that can infect a national community like Germany's under Hitler and there is such authoritarian following enthrallment to a toxic leadership, an over-identification with a patriarchal collective political and economic elite group of aggressors, that the precepts of basic human decency are collectively dismissed. Blanketed demonization of others becomes the standard, and killing the demonized human beings is called for and championed. A tipping point is reached in terms of a group-think that is irrationally racist as well as murderous in spirit and action.
R&R, Many native born Israelis are immigrating out of the country so that their children can escape this relentless indoctrination.
Freedom from brainwashing is probably the most basic and fundamental freedom.
One man's brainwashing is another man's education.

Each of us "knows" that "I" am not brainwashed or mind conditioned, yet we all are. We, in fact, must be in order to live amongst others peaceably. We need to find a way to set limits on this sort of thing. If for no other reason, to, at least, get over the hatred for some others based on supposed wrongs done my great, great, great, great, etc., grand parent, by your great, etc., etc., etc., grand parent.

We'd do ourselves a huge favour if we outlawed any form of religion that promotes disrespect for the adherents of other religions and for non-believers, too.
As I've already dissected the comment on my blog, quite thoroughly, my thoughts on this are quite transparent

(Didn't the guy who occupies the room in washington d.c., which has NO corners, speak much about transparency?),

so anyone wishing to know howI feel about this post may go to yesterday's post by me.

i'm not educated enough on this subject to give a cogent response. but i do know Alice Miller's work. and i do know that the racism in Israel is horrifying and pervasive, that the racism in this country is the same. i know there are "good reasons" for what goes on in Israel. But here? there are no excuses, no explanations for the pernicious practices that we all accept. if you only look at the way our prison system works and how many black people are behind bars compared to white people. if you only look at that, you have to be deeply ashamed of what we accept at Normal here. it's shameful. i apologize if i have completely missed the boat here. my life is mostly about kittens and hypnosis these days. :)

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