Saturday, March 21, 2015

Silly Riddles for a Summer Sunday (7-13-14)

Okay, you smarties.  I'll riddle you these.  
No more than 5 answers per commenter, please.  
1-The more of it there is, the less you see.
2-What kind of coat can only be put on wet?
3-What goes up and down stairs without moving?
4-What can you catch but not throw? 
5-Where does an amoeba surf?
6-How do you make witch itch?
7-How does a lion take its steak?
8-How do you clean a tuba?
9-If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
10-What is the biggest ant?
11-What do you call cheese that is not yours?
12-What day do fish hate?
13-What is the best day for a dental appointment?
14-Who can jump higher than a tall building?
15-What travels faster, hot or cold?
16-What stays in the corner but travels far?
17-Where can you find roads without trees, houses or cars?
18-What is always coming but never arrives?
19-What gets bigger the more you take from it?
20-If you have it, you want to share it, but if you share it, you lose it?
21-Which word is spelled inaccurately in the dictionary?
22-Where do cows go on Saturday nights?
23-Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party?
24-What did one plate say to the other plate?
25-What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
26-What runs but doesn’t have legs?
27-What gets wetter the more it dries?
28-What clothing does a house wear?
29-What did the sock say to the foot?
30-If a red ship and a blue ship collide, what color would the survivors be?
1: an iceberg 2: paint 3: a bannister 4: a cold 25: a stick
1 - Darkness

9 - Pilgrims

18 - Tomorrow

25 - Call it anything you want; it still isn't coming back

27 - A towel
Robyn, hah! "an iceberg" works fine. "Darkness" was on my answer list. But I love yours. "A bannister" is another one not on the answer list but perfect!!!

Sky, you are a hoot. "Call it anything you like, it is not coming back." Hah!!!

best, libby
My favorite riddle is a double barreled elephant joke:
Why do ducks have flat feet?
To stomp out forest fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
To stomp out burning ducks.

R&R ;-)
I had answers for 1, 2, 3, 4 & 18 but as they’ve been taken, the only other ones I could even guess at are:

7 - Raw.
14 – Anyone. Buildings can’t jump.
15 – No idea, though I’d guess that hot can get conducted faster. But how do they stack up against bad news?
21 – Inaccurately.
26 – A leaky faucet.
jmac, thanks for sharing that one. "elephant" is one of the answers above.

abra, appreciate your take on these. for 7 the official answer is a bad pun, "medium roar." Kind of a cheat. 15 Hot is faster than cold because you can catch cold! 26 was a nose but leaky faucet is quite good. And Abra 22 should be perfect for you. A bad pun and double the first vowel! best, libby
I'll throw in a couple other silly answers: 24. What did one plate say to the other plate? "Lunch is on me!" 29. Sock to foot, "You're putting me on!" 23. Why didn't skeleton go to party? He had no body to go with. Groan, groan, I know.
10 elephant
26 time
29" I've got you covered."

Groan! But fun!
8 Clean a tuba with a tuba toothpaste!

13 Dental appt. on Toothday!

22 Cows go to the moovies on Saturday nights

28 Clothing of a house is address!

16 Always in the corner but travels all over? A stamp!

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