Sunday, March 22, 2015

Compelling Pix (from internet) (12-2-14)

My Thanksgiving Day Parade pictures are refusing to exit my camera for some reason.  Grrrrr.  So until I can extract them, here are a few internet pictures I came across and decided to share.  Enjoy!

1 - 11-25-14 ballerina_(3) 

1 - 11-25-14 camera_and_monkey 

1 - 11-25-14 clouds 

1 - 11-25-14 cup 

1 - 11-25-14 hungry_baby_birds 

1 - 11-25-14 wingspan 

1 - 11-29-14 winding road 

1 - 11-25-14 snake 

1 - 11-29-14 cat 

1 - 11-25-14 turkey 

1 - 11-25-14 mama_bird_(3) 

1 - 11-29-14 lumber 

Great pictures. I will worry a long time about the little bird with that snake. And I appreciate the non-discriminatory meerkats.
Great images all. I hope the bird snake pic was photoshopped. We used to take the kids in to the parade, but after several hours standing smushed in the crowd in the cold with my forty pound daughter perched on my shoulders, I was ready for an Aleve and several Martinis. R
Great shots. I sure hope that State Police Car swirved to the right! Love the fat hen and woodpecker as well.
And the monkey, looks as though the photographer got his shot. Happy Holidays Libby. TG:D
Yes, I hope the snake and bird photo was photoshop. I imagine the bird got away fast. Loved all the rest. Fun!
Enjoyed looking at these. Seeing and believing? R.
Fine selection. The old snake and bird? I think we've all been there. And who's going to tell that kitten it's adopted?
These were fun. "The camera never lies"- was that ever true? Oh that bird! Go away, snake.
I loved the graffiti guy!
Poor little bird, I once watched a red tailed hawk take a flicker from the bathroom window on the farm. Life can end in an instant.

Great photos, love the variety of subjects and emotions. I too love the image of the graffiti guy! Thanks for the morning wonders.
Love the monkey on the lens, the Tink kitty and the marmosets, the chicken on the puppy and the grumpy graffiti guy... R&R :-)
Great pictures. The one with the logs is ominous.
Just a closer look at the kitten and the meerkats convinced me the cat's head was photoshopped on a meerkat body.
What a treat your selection is!
The snake---creeps me out! poor little bird!
One wonders about the photo op of that log--would it not have been smarter to just dodge the thing instead of taking the time to photograph it??? Crazy!
@l'Heure: I had never known before that flickers are preyed upon by hawks! Some flickers are pretty hefty critters, too! That must have been a good sized hawk!
Cute & fun Libby! But I hate "Photoshop" don't you? It's a lot like my Dates with a sock in their pants! ha ha R
These are great, Libby - I always want to capture a shot like some of these: the ant and the helicopter, the guy and his smoke....I wonder if these people just sit around and wait or they photo shop.....?
I am certain it is time to move on from my little Canon SureShot....but I *am* grateful to have a sturdy little camera at all. So much fun, taking photos...
thank you for sharing. this are stunning! i have a tiny fondness for animals, as you know. and my favorite, of course, is the interspecies relationship one, the chicken and the puppy.
What a weird and amusing collection libby. That snake one almost looks staged, though surely not with the bird's cooperation.

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