Friday, March 20, 2015

Not Without Shame - a poem (10-25-11)

I look into human eyes
and close my heart.

I look into human eyes
and close my heart
as I goose step by
with sudden-dead eyes.

I, never Mother-Teresa bold,
too often join the ranks of the cold
who every day pray
God's looking away
those seconds it takes
to make one's escape
(eyes extinguished and averting)
from Creation's sibling so hurting.

Too needy, too scary,
too smelly or hairy.

Sure once in a while
I offer change with a smile
but more often than not
when I am caught
in the line of a simple look
breathtaking and deep,
hungry, angry, bleary, weary, at peace
or one good-humored and intelligent
(for some reason the most repellent)
I recoil like lightning
from the heart-rending sighting
with such defiant frigidity
I'm in awe of what's with me.

So instantaneously and ashamedly at a loss ...
dear God, what would it cost?
Could not such a simple eye connection
promote two souls' resurrections? 

Of course it could. The problem is too many vacant eyes. Well said, Libby, beautiful poem. R
Thanks, Thoth.

You know, I think the desensitization of us Americans to the plight of each other locally and nationally, in terms of ignoring evidence of glaring homelessness and poverty so steadily increasing, which is definitely a cognitivie-dissonant experience as we come upon such situations and sadly often struggle to numb ourselves to coexist with perhaps dreading the horror that we could be in such straits, incrementally ultimately leads to the "normalization" of a profoundly reduced sense of conscience to the gratuitous and corporate profit motivated violence our tax-paid armies and our governmental leaders perpetrate abroad. libby
your moving
so fast

no chance to comment
lingered reading
over this

political poem
of self

as we all are perforce
to be dual

individual selves
but also

a body politic .

Saludos ~

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